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My Awesome Feind deck

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Raviel lord of phantasm


Spear Creatan


snipe hunter X2


Renge gatekeeper of the dark world


the wicked deadroot


the wicked avatar


summoned skull maju garzett


abaki X2


Zera the mant


Beig vanguard of the dark world X3


zure knight of the dark world


barrier statue of the abyss


evil hero infernal gainer


Scarr scout of the dark world


Dark lucious lv4


Spell cards:


Premature burial


lightning vortex


mega morph


sword and sheild


masoleum of thew emporor


grave digger ghoul


mystical space typhon X2


the shallow grave


maleolent nuzzler


creature swap


zera ritual




rain of mersy


Trap cards:


sakuretsu armor


call of the hunted


accumulated fortune


terrible deal


a hero emerges


draining sheild

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