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Takaishi Takeru (T.K from Digimon) [REQUESTED]


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[align=center]Well here's the Shy Digidestined from seasons 1 & 2 T.K. What I love about T.K is his love for Patamon and how brave he is once Patamon can Digivolve to Angemon. I based him around LIGHT and Fairy-Types due to Patamon being a kind of Fairy (And very cute as well) Wondering why Kari is there? Well I am a huge fan of T.K X Kari.


Hikari x T.K

This card cannot declare an attack unless you control another face-up LIGHT monster. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card from your hand to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Fairy-Type monster from your Graveyard.[/align]

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Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

I love the card



And how it ties with the actual series.


I've watched every ep of Digimon about 3 times (other than the first movie which I watched more).

When I was about 3 I was into Digimon and I even cried when Angemon reverted into a Digi Egg. So this ROCKS!

Number so high I cannnot even write it as I will die typing and the server will crass/10

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