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Sky Striker Support - "Re-Engage!"


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Far from the most elegant card one could design, but I did my best. Figuring out solid support for such a uniform archetype is very tricky. My goal here is a card that'd be able to assist Sky Striker in catching up with modern meta (not that it'd be enough on its own, but still). The constant power creep has made it lose its grind game compared to most modern control strategies, so giving them something to shuffle back the Link-1s and the MultiRoled spells seems like a solid way to do that. The reason for the draw 1 is simply to make this card (which you'd probably run as a one-of) not be a brick in your hand, since it'd still act as an upstart by replacing itself + maybe returning the Raye to hand in cases where you have no further starters for next turn and don't trust her revival effect to be enough. It does mean it can be ashed, but hey, better than it being used on your Engage!

Still, not the best card design (and the name needs work) , so I'm open to feedback! Also, no idea if links are allowed here, but the art was sourced from pixiv!


Edited by Afanis
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