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[SHP] Recolor SHOP


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.:: lalolalo's and tonma_fan's recolor shop ::.

.:: lalolalo's and tonma_fan's recolor shop ::.


Ok, this is a new Shop, we can recolor the pics you give to us.


Me (lalolalo) and tonma_fan will recolor you pic for just 3-5 points for each pic. Usually it takes 3 points, but can take up to 5 if it is pixelated / blurry / colors are too similar.


How to order:

  1. Post a reply giving us the pic, telling us what color do you want the color AND who do you want to be the "recolorer". tonma_fan, me or the one that get first.
  2. We will post a reply telling you if the pic is compatible or not, if compatible we will start the work right away, there might be some pics that are harder to recolor than others, so the delivery time and points depend on the pic. Oh don't worry, it's very likely you'll get the job done.
  3. Deliver, we will post the original and recolored card here.
  4. Pay. You have to pay the one that did the job, tonma_fan or me. We'll tell you how much to pay, usually 3 points.


  • lalolalo
  • tonma_fan

First example:


Pics found in google, Original pic:




In green:




In violet:




In red:




Second example:


Original pic from anime:




Recolored in yellow:




Reasons, if you do not get your order:

  • We have a lot of work and we are doing it.
  • We can't do recolor right now for some other reason.
  • We are not currently on YCM.

Pending work:

Finished work:

  1. pash00's Dark Magician Girl
  2. pash00's Dark malician Girl
  3. superbull’s Malician Girl
  4. Mikaeo’s Naruto
  5. OCG’s rainbow image
  6. meme112233445566’s card’s image
  7. commander mike’s Dark Malician
  8. Spirit Of Stardust’s Lightsworn Monsters
  9. pash00’s Dark Malician Girl
  10. Mew 101’s Shaymin’s rainbow bush
  11. dark sanji’s Red Warrior
  12. pash00’s Meowth
  13. pupil’s Image
  14. pash00’s Vincent
  15. SOS Haruhi’s Red haired Girl
  16. blackved’s Image
  17. blackved’s Image

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Oh wow, you put it in your sig :D

Thanks. And if anyone wants another example, check this out:


[spoiler=Original Picture]




[spoiler=Recolored picture]






And if you wish, I can also resize images and sometimes unblur them for use in cards, like this:


[spoiler= Ready to use]




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Pic done!


You should use this one, actually:




This is the original:




Oh and this one is for free, cause I was bored. It can be used in a card:




This recolor will cost 3 points, it was not very difficult.

Thank you! Any more recolors please?

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Could I get a recolor of this, into a bluish theme and then another recolor of it into a greenish theme, I don't need it card ready, just keep it the same size. also please post as a PNG file not as JPEG


it doesnt matter who fills the order narutokyuubifiedcopyzr6.png

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Make all of the green on him all colors of the rainbow.



Make all peach on him all the colors of the rainbow.



Tonma_Fan do it.

Sure' date=' but it will take some time okay? Be patient, please.


[b']EDIT:[/b] Here it is, hope you like it.




It will cost a total of 6 points, but you don't need to pay me now if you want it done some other way. PM me in what way you want it to be done.


And superbull, that picture is white. It will be VERY difficult to recolor that, could you get another one please? I'm really very sorry.

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