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Final Fantasy Deck


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i think you have a good lead and all but the star levels are really unbalanced... the pics are good, the effects are good, and the logic and surprising similarity 2 the story [with sepiroth and the reunion] are great but it think you cud hav added jenova or "the mother" in and tifa, and aerith into it. pics 10/10... effects 9/10... logic 10/10... similarity 10/10... balance [star levels] 4/10... overall 8.6/10... great job... work on the star levels...

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Some of these effects are a bit ridiculous. You have several effects that, essentially, destroy all of your opponent's monsters with little or no cost at all. Some of these are very creative, but overall, the set falls short. The OCG could use some work, too.


Images - 10/10 - Can't complain

Effects - 4/10 - Some are good, but most are overpowered or weirdish.

OCG - 0/10 - Your OCG could really use some work.

Creativity - 10/10 - I'll certainly give you that.

Support - 3/10 - You have a few cards in there that work together, but overall, this is slew of cards that offer no support to one another.

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