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Okay well this is the Prologue of my newest Fan-Fic, Legion's Breath. This is only the Prologue/Preview. Now it might be short but it is only a Prologue so what do you expect.





It was around midnight and everything was quiet, except for the trees swaying in the breezy wind. There was a boy walking along the side of the forest. The wind blew the man's hair and cloaked. He stopped and turned his head.


???: What do you want?


But it seemed no one was there. Then a dark voice answered.


Voice: Well you do know what to do, right?


???: Yes.


There was a long pause, until finally the voice answered.


Voice: Fine but if you mess it up, I'm blaming you.


???: Fine, now GO!


The voice seemed to disappear. So what was this man's mission, and was this man not even a man? Was this guy some kind of dark spirit? Ad what was that voice?


A young boy was walking along a street, late, late at night. The wind was pretty chilly, but he didn't care he always used to take walks this late at night. He looked at his watch, and the time said, 6:23 AM. He smiled and looked up as he saw the sun rising up from the horizon. He felt something also rising from the horizon, just like the sun, though this feeling wasn't good.


End of Prologue

End of Prologue


Now there I know it is short but it is a Prologue. Also I will give you a Rep tomorrow in the afternoon as I won't be on until 3:00 or so

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almost reminds me of the beginning of "the sword of shannara" by terry brooks. ^_^


Seems interesting, I'd like to see where it goes. ^_^


As said above, who's the protagonist? The cloaked guy, or the kid in the city? Or someone else entirely?


I guess I will just have to wait until you post the next part. ^_^

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Well guys the kid is in the city is the protagonist he's name will be revealed in the first chapter and also guys this story won't have the plot right off the gun your will have to guess the plot (as the plot won't happen for quite another few chapters) also sent the Reps now the next 3 to comment gets 20 points

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Well my fan-fic are like real shows so I like calling them Episodes tho it is chapter and I'm finishing it up now :D sending 20 points now also guys I have a fan-site/forum for this fan-fic but I won't post it as it would be againest the rules but PM me for it (it will have all the updates of Legion's Breath)

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