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umm..little question.


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Now, I'll fix that question:

A.Both players have "Appropriate" face-up on the field, and I have a face-down "Zero Gravity". After that, I Normal Summoned "Destiny Hero- Defender". Can I use "Zero Gravity" to change the Battle Position of Defender to Defense Position?


B.Both players have "Appropriate" face-up on the field, and I have a set "Destiny Hero- Defender". My opponent attacked my set "Destiny Hero- Defender" and is not destroyed. If I let "Destiny Hero- Defender" stay. What will happen during my opponent's Standby Phase when Destiny Hero- Defender's effect should resolve?

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Shouldn't this cause the players to both keep drawing all cards in their decks, causing an infinite loop somewhere in the middle? (With my extremely limited knowledge in the area, I would say that Defender or one of the Appropriates are destroyed.)

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Shouldn't this cause the players to both keep drawing all cards in their decks' date=' causing an infinite loop somewhere in the middle? (With my extremely limited knowledge in the area, I would say that Defender or one of the Appropriates are destroyed.)



I think it wouldn't be an infinite loop, because drawing from your deck while there are 0/1 cards in it IS possible. And drawing the cards for Appropriate's effect is not a cost. It would just make you lose the game.

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As far as I can comprehend from the cards, neither Appropriate or Defender's effects are voluntary. And since we then have a chain of infinite draws that can not be stopped (unless by an effect of another card), an infinite loop has been created. The last voluntary thing to happen was the change of Defender to defense position. Therefore, Defender can not be changed to Defense Position if both players control 1 "Appropriate".

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An infinite loop becomes a loop when the effects stop doing something and keep repeating the same thing. E.G. Pole position fluctuating attack points. Since it is not changing the game the card causing the loop cannot be played or is destroyed. However, if Defender is flipped by an attack, since it is involuntary, the draw chain will start. If the game mechanics didn't state that you would lose if you can't draw a card by a card effect, the loop would end when both people deck out because the loop would be recognized and Defender would be destroyed. However the first person to deck out loses in this case because he/she cannot draw. Since the loop is changing the game, it does not become a loop ever, because someone loses before the loop is recognized.

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I think I saw the answer through this ruling


Null and Void: You cannot chain "Null and Void" to the effect of "Appropriate" because the effect of "Appropriate" cannot be chained to.


Should that mean that only 1 Appropriate would resolve? And that is the "Appropriate" of the one owning the "Destiny Hero- Defender"

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I'm trying to remember if infinite loops are considered "infinite" if they are limited by a player's Life Points or the size of a player's deck. I think that such a loop would be allowed to resolve, since it can't actually continue indefinitely (unlike Pole Position loops), but if it cannot resolve. Defender would self-destruct.

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I'm trying to remember if infinite loops are considered "infinite" if they are limited by a player's Life Points or the size of a player's deck. I think that such a loop would be allowed to resolve, since it can't actually continue indefinitely (unlike Pole Position loops), but if it cannot resolve. Defender would self-destruct.

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