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Grab bags?

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..it is also a fun mini-game on Mario Party 1 and 2 XD


Do you have to grab bags or something? XD


you like steal coins from other peoples backpacks


other than that... you can either get seriously pwned or gain heaps of coins... thus giving you a pretty good lead

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If you want ok commons the store I go for tourneys sells grab bags like that there

my brother got 3x DW lightning' date=' 3x des wombat, a couple flint locks and some other useful commons for like $1



My local store has a giant Ten Cent section, where every card (commons) in the boxes are 10¢ each. I found a Shrink and a Secret Riruyoku in there once.

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the only grab bags i use are the ones that guaranties first gen cards ( Up to Soul of duelist ) as i like to complete my old collection with those annoying commons that you want to complete you set. also with the ones that offer holo's. like 5 holo's for a fiver i always do because they are always good to add to sweaten trades without putting in any card you would deem as very good.

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