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Signature club


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Hey I thought that I'd make a loose ended club called the signature club. Sorry if it's a well used club name or something.


First I'd just like to define these words and what they will mean in this post for reference.


Optional-You choose weather you want it or not.


Preffered-I would like it if you used this, but you don't have to.


Highly preffered-It is strongly reccomended, and is most likely a large or necessary trademark/sign of this club.


Required-Do this or you won't be considered a member.


Now that that's done, I'll just explain what this clan is about. It's a loose ended clan, meaning it's something you can join even if your already in another club. I don't plan to make it official even if I can, unless I get enough members all who urge me to do so.


It's a simple clan and named such because the idea is that we all have a similiar signature. Some people may think this idea sucks, but if you think it's interesting, feel free to join!


These are the options/requirements for the clan signature, which is the basic and general aspect of this club.


To begin with, you must have a color based personality test. This is required. It is preffered that you use the magic the gathering color test, such as I have. It is highly preffered that you have 2 such tests, 2 colors, 2 personality types written down. They don't have to be weird personality type combos, just take the color test over and over with different anwsers you might also have chosen until you get two different personalities.


Next, and this is required, you make a yugioh card that represents you. It doesn't have to be a human, just has to be anything, spell or trap or monster that you think represents your personality or likes. Mine for example is a firey demon. I think it looks cool and who wouldn't want to be a firey demon? xD! This card has to be either outrageously over or underpowered.


I mean creatively so. Don't make an effect that says, you win the duel, or you lose the duel. Mix it up. Make it creative and strategic, but so that it is impossible to win or lose with. Along side the card you may make a short phrase, 1 sentence max and 1 word minimum, that represents the card. Mine is vroom vroom because it's like RacecaR. This is optional.


The cards name should be the name of your account name, this is highly preffered. Along with this, you must remove all other writings or pictures in your signature. This is required, as to make it easier and simplier for us to recognize each other.


The last part is to copy paste this sentence and the link to this thread on your signature. "Join the signature club! Click here for more details!" And insert this link here. This is preffered, as it would allow more members.


This is just a fun and, as I said, easy thing you can do if you want. This way, members may recognize other members in this clan from their signatures. This is also somewhat aimed at newer members, since they don't have really old signatures that they're attacthed to, but all are welcome!

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Change your sig? Go to the top of the page, click on user-CP and go to the left hand side. Click on change signature.


To get a color test, google magic the gathering color test.


To put the yugioh card of your impression of yourself, once you've made the card, clock on the picture and some code will appear below the card image. copy paste this onto your sig and then type [/img] at the end of the code.

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First, remove beggining text that talks about dueling and shadow realm please. Sorry, it's required. Remove the text that says, take the magic color test, and the URL so it's like mine. Just the color boxes. I would like to remind you that it is highly preffered that you make the name of the card in your sig your account name. Also, please either give him a TON of attack or extremely little attack or an effect, just to make him rigid and or underpowered. Otherwise, great job, and welcome.

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