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lightsworn otk. notice no judgment dragon involved

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ok i have a problem with this deck. i need to make a more consistent with keeping my deck count at 20-22 by the time i pull of my otk


3| Destiny Hero - Dogma

3| Destiny Hero - Plasma

2| Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster

1| Dark Magician Of Chaos

2| Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord


3| Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

1| Toon Cannon Soldier


2| Foolish Burial

2| Allure Of Darkness

3| Toon Table of Contents

1| Heavy Storm

1| Giant Trunade

3| Card Of Safe Return

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial

3| Destiny Draw

3| Trade-in


1| Torrential Tribute

3| Solemn Judgment

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yhea mass driver will make it faster as you could actually pull this off turn 1


just a problem though


what happens of you have milled soo much of your deck the time your firing things off with cannon soldier you then cant discard for luminia thus cant bring anything back


ack i think im overeacting nice work :)


also you only need to keep your deck + hand count at 16 by the time you start


also i dont think there is enough counter traps to constutie van dalygron

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hey thanks for supporting the idea of a ls deck without jd cuz sum people think u have to have it to make it work...........


Lol, this is hardly a conventional Lightsworn deck. It's like called PC Monarchs a Destiny Hero deck. Also, people only said that your deck would be far better with Judgment Dragon, which is true.

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