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Favorite Mega Man X4 Maverick

Astro Dude

Which Maverick From Megaman X4 is your Favorite  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which Maverick From Megaman X4 is your Favorite

    • Frost Walrus
    • Jet Stingray
    • Slash Beast
    • Web Spider
    • Split Mushroom
    • Cyber Peacock
    • Storm Owl
    • Magma Dragoon

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Now we have moved on from the SNES (Super Famicom) to the Playstation. We are now at Mega Man X4 and I would like to know which Maverick from this game is your Favorite. Don't forget to state your reason why. My Favorites are Slash Beast To complete the set, (You'll know what I'm talking about in my "Favorite Mega Man X5 Maverick" Poll, Cyber Peacock cause he's so cool and Magma Dragoon cause I'm a big dragon fan. I bet most of you are gonna vote for Dragoon.

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Guest JoshIcy

meh Magma Dragoon was ok... i prefered Colonel though, and yes he is technically a maverick...


although out of those Split Mushroom wins my vote.... he was fun lol

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Guest JoshIcy

he was more of a sub-boss, hence a Maverick and is valid. and i doubt anyone remembers much of the Fortress bosses, they are just a pain before sigma etc....

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I remember, There was Vile, BoSpider, Randa Banda, D-Rex, The X Hunters, Godkalmachine O Inary, Vile Mk 2, Dr. Doppler, Colonel, Jello Man (For X) (Iris (sniff, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![For Zero]), General, Shadow Devil (You may remember his ancestor, the Yellow Devil), Randa Banda 2.0, Nightmare Mother, High Max, Gate, The Mole looking thing from "Palace Road", Red, Vile Mk 3 and a Copy Sigma. Man that's a lot.

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Guest JoshIcy

I remember' date=' There was Vile, BoSpider, Randa Banda, D-Rex, The X Hunters, Godkalmachine O Inary, Vile Mk 2, Dr. Doppler, Colonel, Jello Man (For X) (Iris (sniff, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![For Zero']), General, Shadow Devil (You may remember his ancestor, the Yellow Devil), Randa Banda 2.0, Nightmare Mother, High Max, Gate, The Mole looking thing from "Palace Road", Red, Vile Mk 3 and a Copy Sigma. Man that's a lot.


umm yeah its Double not Jello Man... but i guess so if you put it like that...

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I remember' date=' There was Vile, BoSpider, Randa Banda, D-Rex, The X Hunters, Godkalmachine O Inary, Vile Mk 2, Dr. Doppler, Colonel, Jello Man (For X) (Iris (sniff, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![For Zero']), General, Shadow Devil (You may remember his ancestor, the Yellow Devil), Randa Banda 2.0, Nightmare Mother, High Max, Gate, The Mole looking thing from "Palace Road", Red, Vile Mk 3 and a Copy Sigma. Man that's a lot.

Why does everyone keep calling Double "Jello Man"?


Anyways, I guess my fav would be Slash Beast. Cuz he ran onto the train you fight him on while it was moving, which is awesome. :D

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Guest JoshIcy

Web Spider was always the first but not really hard at all..

Frost Walrus wasnt exactly all that, his stage was just a royal pain at times..

Storm Owl is a meh boss, similar to the Web Spider fight...

Jet Stingray well id rather forget that stage xD

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