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Inspired from Forgot My Pen's Jar Worm Deckout prototype which can be found here: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=44855&page=1


Note this is just a fun deck, so I won't be using it during locals or tourney's


Monsters: 8

Morphing Jar

Morphing Jar #2 x3

Needle Worm x3

Night Assailant


Spells: 16

Book of Moon x2

Book of Taiyou x2

Card Destruction

Dark World Dealings x2

Level Limit - Area B

Messanger of Peace x3

Nightmare's Steelcage x3

Swords of Revealing Light

The Shallow Grave x3

Upstart Goblin x3


Traps: 12

Gravity Bind

Mirror Force

Negate Attack x3

Threatening Roar x3

Waboku x3


Any hints to speed up this deck?

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