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I'm just noticing this, but they need to come up with a name for cards that are removed from play. When they first started making cards that removed cards from play, when cards were removed from play, that was it. They didn't come back. They were out for the rest of the duel. Now they have cards that bring them back, cards that gain power from removed from play cards, etc. There's no point in "removing cards from play" now, because they can easily come back since it's become like a 2nd Graveyard.


Well, there's not much for you guys to reply to. I just thought I'd point this out, but you all probably already thought of this by now.

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Yu-Gi-Oh TCG is starting to go the way of pokemon. They are focused too greatly around coming out with new cards that they don't care (or don't notice) how its effecting gameplay.


Removed from play used to be the best strategy, especially when combined with Fiber Jar.

Remove some of their best cards from play, reset the game (minus the lifepoints) with Fiber Jar, and start the destruction all over again.


Now removing a monster from play is pointless because there are too many cards to bring them back. It would be okay if there were just one or two, and they were limited to 1 per deck, however there's dozens of them and its just no use.


The only card I ever play that removes from play is Dark Magician of Chaos, and generally that's ONLY for his ability to bring back one of my spell cards from my graveyard.


Personally I agree that those types of cards have become over powered in the trading card game now.

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wilson91, LOL


MasterOfMagicians, you're right. They should have people test out the cards they make before they release them. Since there are thousands of cards out now with so many different effects, you can never know when you make a broken card because there can be a card out there that uses a cost as an advantage. And unless you keep up with every card out now, it's so easy to think you're making a balanced card (at YCM) and it really be overpowered because of like 1 other card.

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