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Metal Contest (finished, please lock)

N00B Hunter

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Basically, make a "metal" monster out of a vanilla card, and make a support for all metal monsters. This should be easy enough to do, but don't slack! I eat slackers for breakfast...


Talking specifically, I want you to make your "Metal" card out of a Vanilla (normal) monster (for monsters that you can't do, see at the bottom). Then, the creation of 1 support card for your metal monster is needed (This support card must be related to all metal monsters, not just yours).



For the monster card:

  • OCG (im really going to focus on this one)
  • picture (not so important)
  • Metal Script (this is the effect)
  • Stats (more references on that)

For the spell:

  • OCG
  • picture
  • relevance to metal monsters

In all cards, balance is also going to be looked at. (For those of you who have read my several paragrpah criticisms, you should know I like to critique balance :))


Prizes: Are the usual

  1. 2 Reputation points + 10 points
  2. 2 reputation points
  3. 1 reputation point + 10 points
  4. 1 reputation points
  5. 10 points
  6. 5 points

I might be giving compensation points too, I'm not sure... :P


People signed up:

1. ender449 (?)

2. lord wyhe

3. IAmTheAeonClock

4. lalolalo

5. Dimension Lord

6. Keyblade Spirit

7. God Hunter

8. jakey252

9. ultimateryan

10. Dark Edo Phoenix

11. DesWombat4Ever





(wow! more than I thought!)


References: Here's two examplary cards for your benefit. Dark Metal Magician has basically the exact effect you want for your card.


Cards you can't "metallize": Gods, e-heroes, Dark Magician, BEWD, REBD, Zoa, and ritual, effect, synchro, fusion, tuner, spirit, gemini, or union monsters of any kind (let me remind you, they must be vanilla!)


Now get out there and show me your metal!! (y'know, metal vs. mettle, get it? .. oh, never mind) :mrgreen:

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Cool, just recently I made Metal Gods. ^_^ Here's my entry: I chose Metal Armored Bug! Now you may ask, how do you metallize a card that's already metal? That's simple. Reinforce it with Titanium! ;) It's actually fairly balanced, since it doesn't work with Allure like M-Zoa and M-Red-eyes do. And 3200 ATK is the same 400 ATK upgrade that was given to Zoa and REBD. Besides, it's not like anyone good's actually going to be summoning metal monsters. XD



Metal deck users get to burn their opponent with a high-pressure blast of flames. 76110ty5.jpg


Remember those magnet toys that were all the rage? Well, even if you don't, I decided to base my next Metal support card around them, behold the Magnetic Pyramid! XD The magnets attract metal, which summons Metal monsters from your deck bypassing their Summoning conditions. Both players can use it, since it's nice to share your toys.




I hope you enjoyed them. ^_^

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alright... here goes. to:


lalolalo -- Metal Cards gain attack, not lose it. Fix your Harpie Lady please. "Factory" is a very good card, it's balanced and its very relevant. the OCG is perfect.


lord wyhe -- nice, though your picked another 2-tribute, I liked the fact that e-heroes might be actually be used for something good, like a metal set. Droid march's picture is pretty funny (who in their right mind would dress up like that?) and its effect is balanced and fair.


IAmTheAeonClock -- You added an extra effect for your "Metal" monster. Be sure that Ryu-Kishin Metal's effect is only Metal Script, nothing else. Your spell is very useful and works quite well. You are missing some capitals (I believe "Hand" and "Graveyard" are capitalized; correct me if I'm wrong.) but, other than that the OCG is well done.


God Hunter -- Your card looks kinda funny, but nice holo effect. However, the effect should be strictly metal script and I need a support card too. Oh, and I'm looking for "Metal" cards made just from normal monsters, Tri-Horned is an effect... maybe you should read the rules ^^


jakey252 -- Your metal monster has "Cyber-Morph" instead of Metalmorph, please correct your metal script. Your spell is pretty off: it's says it is an equip, but its continuous, and its effect is a little overpowered. please fix these things.


Dark Edo Phoenix -- very nice. I like your monster (reinforced titanium... lol) and you're magnetic pyramid spell is very good (though the "welding torch" spell isn't very useless... I think a stronger version of Cyber Summon Blaster") However, OCG on the spell is also off by a little.


Dhpo -- alright, pic is good but used before. Like I said to god hunter and co. the effect of the monster should be just metal script, and nothing else, and the ATK and DEF need to increase, not decrease (if you're using Luster Dragon #2, his ATK si 2400, so the metal should be around 2700-2800) And your "Metal DNA" is too strong, please make it balanced.



1st) lord wyhe (2 reps)

2nd) Dark Edo Phoenix (1 rep 10 pts)

3rd) IAmTheAeonClock (20 pts)

4th) lalolalo (10 pts)

5th) jakey252 (5 pts)



Please note that there is another threat to this website's integrity! Watch out, I have been neg repped three times by a complete newbie to the site, named sidebyside. I'm not sure why, but I think I critisized some of his cards and he didn't like it. If you could please assist me in neg repping him some times, and maybe giving me reps (plz! :cry: you can delete them if he removes his!) until he stops and repents for his actions, that would be very helpful! Thank you!

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