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Super Smash Bros. Armageddon 2: No Sunrise


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This is it. The one and only sequel of my roleplay, Super Smash Bros. Armageddon.


Theme music: Bling Confessions of A-The Killers (Download it off LimeWire, I don't know how to put music here.)



Lord Davok has arisen yet again. Gaining an apprentice, another dimension traveler, yet slightly unexperienced, named Xanalyama Omega, Lord Davok summoned back Master Ytidens and his digimon Dreadmon. Also activating the sentient android Quintus, they wish to combine together and conquer Earth, and all of the universes before it. Quintus contains data on when the Fourth Wall was first built, for his creator was Daedalus, who `built' the Fourth Wall. Also, a Black Mage from another world, Vivian di Darko, has also allied with Ytidens, Davok, Xanalyama and Quintus. Meanwhile, Link has escaped the Underworld after a battle with the Grim Reaper and returned into the world as Urian Link Kanstyx. Gamer has remained in the Underworld, now ruling one of the Elemental Realms of the Underworld, and conviently having a daughter, who appeared in the world shortly after. Talim has since mourned Gamer and Link after Armageddon, and meets a young girl named Nunia who is also from Earth, but doesn't know how to get back. Little does Talim know that Nunia is the main target of Davok and Co, who wish to use the magical energy inside herself to break the Fourth Wall. Only the heroes of Saqrundica can stop them. The question is, how?



Lord Davok (Taken By Torchman)


Link (Reserved for Supreme Gamemaster Yddisac)

Jysgarren [Twilight Princess Link]


Auron (Reserved for Final Fantasy Revolution)

Ganondorf (Reserved for Supreme Gamemaster Yddisac)




You can also take any character that has appeared in any SSB or Soul Caliber game. Also, any character listed in the original SSBA(Charade taken by Torchman)



Master Ytidens (Reserved for Supreme Gamemaster Yddisac)

Xanalyama Omega (Reserved for Supreme Gamemaster Yddisac)

Makuta Teridax

Lukrien from Mythic Chronicles (Reserved for Final Fantasy Revolution)

Vivian di Darko from Mythic Chronicles (Taken By Torchman)

Vincent from FFVII

Quintus (Taken By Torchman)


I will be accepting character suggestions from any RP that I have seen or heard of.


You can have up to several characters maximum, if you can handle it. (You can just have one character if you can't handle seven, or anything below that number)


Let it begin. The day shall dawn when their is No Sunrise.




Torchman controls Lord Davok, Charade, Vivian,Quintus, and All Boss Characters.

Supreme Gamemaster Yddisac controls Ytidens, Xanalyama, Bass.exe, Talim, Link, Ganondorf and Grim.

Final Fantasy Revolution controls Lukrien, Auron, Vincent and Jax

ShadowRoxas controls Pit, Pokemon Trainer, Pikachu, Lucario, Sora, and Arthur.

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I'm sorry, but in this RP it isn't a simple matter of `Can I join? If so, give me this character!' I feel this may well be my biggest RP since the original Super Smash Bros. Armageddon. So, here's some ground rules:


1. You must be a good or excellent roleplayer who I am familiar with and I see have good grammar and good roleplaying abilities. If your new and haven't had a chance to prove yourself, PM me a short story and some writing experience and I might accept you.

2. You have to have good edge and feeling with your character. You have to know how to technically `be' the character. After all, isn't that what RP'ing is about?

3. Read Umbra's rules, Rule Number 3. That will basically explain Rule 3.


(NOTE: Sorry if this sounds like mini-modding, but I really don't want this RP messed up by god-modders, n00bs, and people with incorrect grammar.)


I'm sorry, but I can't accept you unless you prove your enough to play as Meta Knight. PM me a short story concerning first-person view of Meta Knight and I might think it over.)

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

^^It's two. And Civil War is doomed anyway.


Taking all reserved characters, plus Talim & Bass (played them last time), and adding Grim. That should be seven. I'd take Darth Vader, but FFR screwed him beyond playability.

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hey you played as a god,and besides that's my only character, you have 3 stronger characters, i have 1 stronger charecter so he is not that overpowered also i can't see why he is overpowered as he can't destroy anything really stron with his reality bending power, see Corruptman is stronger than most individual characters, but you will be playing with several characters, and together they might defeat him (Corruptman was created from a glitch in a video game making supercomputer so he is very strong) or i can nerf him and add another character

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Yeah, a god of the Dark Area. Which means he only has powers when there isn't a sliver of light around. Otherwise, he's just a manipulative ghost.

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Frohawkmaster, I have one thing to say to you:




I'm sorry, but you cannot have a character like that. You cannot CREATE a character, is that clear? Also, don't questions SGY about his characters, and no you are NOT ACCEPTED. Good day.

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As I said before, it isn't a simple matter of `Hey, can I be this character!' I have to know you and be confident in your roleplaying abilities. Unfortunately I am not confident in your roleplaying abilities.


So, DENIED. Good day. I am not accepting you.


Also, where's Final Fantasy Revolution? (And NO, I am not asking you, frohawkmaster)

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Taking all reserved characters' date=' plus Talim & [b']Bass[/b] (played them last time), and adding Grim. That should be seven. I'd take Darth Vader, but FFR screwed him beyond playability.


Sorry, no can do.

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