Wierdmin Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 I mean, I'm good at OCG, I just want it to be PERFECT, and I need help. I thought there already was one, but I couldn't find it. I'd appreciate it if someone made one, or referred me to one if one alreasy exists. Link to comment
DragonMasterAman Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 Type what you want to say in MS Word and check for speeling and Grammar Mistakes. Correct any Mistakes and copy what you wrote into the Description box of the Card Maker. Link to comment
Luna Diviner Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 Here are a few tips :MAKING A COOL CARDStep 1Open the cardmaker and select which type of card you want BUTHERE IS WHAT YOU SHOULDN'T DOMAKE QUICKPLAY TRAPSCOUNTER SPELLSFIELD OR RITUAL TRAPS.[You could if you wanted to be original but that wouldn't seem right.]AND NEVER MAKE DIVINE BEASTS ! Step 2Think of a new effect that you think is new dont do."This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle"Do"At your Main Phase, by paying 500 Life Points you can return this card to your hand to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster in face-up attack position on your side of the field. The monster cannot declare an attack if your opponent controls no monsters." Step 3Think of a fitting level for itMaking level 12s is cool among your friends but not cool among us, like I have seen cards that are Level 12 and have 7000 ATK and DEF, level 12 is no reason to make it overpowered.Remember the effect I wrote above, what level do you think that should ?Between 3-5 ?Your right give yourself a tap on the back.It wouldnt be because 2 tributes for something that goes back to your hand is not worth it because you will have to pay over and over again.So Level 4NOTESSayLevelLevel [insert number here] or higherLevel [insert number here]or lowerDONT SAYlevel level [insert number here] or morelevel [insert number here] or less Step 4ATK and DEF is always an issue in monsters, think of the effect if it can attack directly don't make it have 3000 ATK think carefullyDONT DOXXXX [People hate that]Anything over 6000 unless you got to pay a MASSIVE price.So whats the attack of our monster ?How bout 1600 ATK and 1200 DEF Step 5PICTURETo find good pictures either search our showcase section or gotohttp://www.deviantart.com/ Step 6Oops such a good monster but without a name ?What were we thinking.The monster before has a switch effect how about.Zymech Lord of Hope[Hope of victory]Here is a name 1 of you might steal when your looking for a cool name."Terror Train - The NorthBound Locomotive"NotesAlways but a space before and after -Capitalize every word other then "of" and "the" unless its the beggining of the name. Step 7Attribute/TypeOur monster having the word hope in it sounds like a good LIGHT monster doesnt it sound LIGHT ?Make sure it fits the name or picture.Unless you want to be original like my Cheerful Memories.NOTESLIGHTDARKEARTHWATERFIREDIVINEWINDDont dowindearthwaterfiredivineearthlightdarkNow for type the picture is the thing you need to think about now look and see what type the monster is.Our monster is a "Spellcaster"Here are the typesAqua - Beast - Beast-Warrior - Dinosaur - DragonFairy - Fiend - Fish - Insect - Machine - PlantPyro - Reptile - Rock - Sea Serpent - SpellcasterThunder - Warrior - Winged Beast - ZombieDivine-Beast Step 7Making Ritual MonstersSome card say"This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "[PUT NAME HERE]". Ritual monsters are blueThat is all the thing of ritual monsters but keep in mind that When a Ritual Monster Card is Special Summoned via its Ritual Spell Card, Tributes must be offered either from your side of the field or from your hand that either meet or exceed the number of stars present on the Ritual Monster in question. The Special Summon is specifically treated as a Ritual Summon. If a Ritual Monster is discarded to the Graveyard (with cards like Delinquent Duo, or Graceful Charity), without it being Ritual Summoned with the appropriate Ritual Spell Card beforehand, it can't be Special Summoned from the Graveyard with cards such as Premature Burial, Call of the Haunted, Monster Reborn, or Fulfillment of the Contract. Magician of Faith or Dark Magician of Chaos can be used to return a used Ritual Spell Card back to your hand, while cards like Monster Reincarnation can be used to return the Ritual Monster back to your hand. If a Ritual Monster was Ritual Summoned successfully and destroyed in any way, or removed from play, it may be Special Summoned by cards like Monster Reborn or Return from the Different Dimension, unless it has restrictions that prevent it from being Special Summoned. Step 8Fusion monsters"Name of monster" + "OTHER MONSTER"You can put as many monsters in a fusion as possible.Monster fusions sayThis monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. Step 9Spells and TrapsThey are such wide varieties that I cannot tell you so just check out this sitehttp://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page# Step 10This is an extra step for you that isn't so importand but still check it out.TOKENS SHOULD BE LIKE THIS"[NAME OF TOKEN]" ([Type]-Type/[ATTRIBUTE]/Level [iNSERT NUMBER]/ATK ?/DEF ?) in ?? Position.Fill in the parts and you've got a token. Step 11OUR FINISHED CARDZymech Lord of HopeLevel 4LIGHTSpellcasterAt your Main Phase, by paying 500 Life Points you can return this card to your hand to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster in face-up attack position on your side of the field. The monster cannot declare an attack if your opponent controls no monsters."ATK:1600 DEF:1200 Step 13CapitalizeATTRIBUTES [ALL OF THEM]The first letter of a type and the word typeThe "L" in LevelSummonFlip SummonedSpecial SummonedRitual SummonedFusion SummonedATK and DEFLife PointsDeckDRAW [As in draw the duel NOT when you pick up a card.]DuelGraveyardField Spell Zone/Card[You can put a word like Ritual in front] Monster Card [ZONE]Spell CardTrap CardSpell or Trap CardSpell and Trap Card/ZoneFusion Deck [ZONE]Deck ZoneZoneIf the word monster or spell or trap is before the word card the word card is capitalized. I hope this helped you This has nothing on Synchros as it is quite old. Link to comment
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