Guest Star Posted July 11, 2007 Report Share Posted July 11, 2007 Alright. I have seen lots of the other card reviews, so I decided to try my own. I will do one each day, maybe an extra once In A While. I will include the rarity information, as well as other things. Winged KuribohSuper RareTLM-005No Ban/Limit • Ever since this card came out, I have seen lots of duelists use it. I've even used it myself a few times, but now with the new crystal beasts, I think Little Kuriboh's time is up. • Positives:• It's effect is useful in some situations. For example, if your opponent has Sakretsu Armor, or maybe Mirror Force/Dark Mirror Force, this card can be used as a "sacrifice", so that your stronger monsters won't be destroyed. But then again, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't waste a Sak. on Kuriboh unless I knew my opponent had Transendent Wings.• I suppose If you play with some strategy, you can use this little combo, although it would be incredibly hard to pull off. I call it, The Neo-Kuriboh Combo. Neo-Kuriboh Combo • Summon Winged Kuriboh, and set cards from your hand until all you have left is an Elemental Hero Bubbleman. You might want to wait until you get Metamorphosis to do this. Then, use the Effect Of Metamorphosis To Summon Neo-Bubbleman. Then, you can attack an opponent's strong monster, lets say BEWD, Or DM, and Kuriboh will die, causing you to lose some major points. But then, attack will Neo Bubbleman and the monster would be destroyed instantly. I have won some tournaments using combos relative to this. Negatives: • Other than the combo, and it's special effect. The Winged Furball is useless. It is overexagerrated. Some people will use it to summon Winged Kuriboh Level 10, but if your opponent has (Solemn Judgement) Or (Divine Wrath), your monster is done for. So, lets see, I just wasted 2 cards and a Kuriboh to get my monster destroyed.• Another thing is, It's Super/Ultimate Rare, meaning it's not the easiest card to get. I have never gotten one in a pack, just trades like Shinato/Flame Wingman. I believe Rare or Maybe Common Would Be Better. Overall: • Substitute the card for regular Kuriboh. Then, you don't have to summon it and lose LP, but you can still discard to negate damage. The card is ok, but, I would recommend it's counterpart instead. June 12th Butterfly Dagger ElmaSuper RareLimited/BannedDCR-032 • Today We will look at a card that is extremely useful, but it's use is not permitted in most tournaments. I may be wrong, but I believe that in Traditional Format, the dagger is banned completely, and in advanced format, it's limited to one. Either way, this card is helpful. • Positives:• When dueling first started, there were equips like [Dragon Treasure] and [Thunder Whip] that increased a certain type of monster by 300. Everyone knows equip cards are essential to a deck, but with cards Like the treasured United We Stand, Mage Power, and Axe Of Despair, who would want to use these cards now. This brings us to the "Butterfly Dagger-Elma. It increases any monster by 300, and then when destroyed it returns to your hand. • Smart duelists keep 3 copies of Magic Drain/Jammer in their deck, so it can be easily negated, but, It comes back to your hand, meaning your opponent has to pay a card cost anyway. • Let's not also forget, if your opponent uses Magic Drain, you can discard this card instead, (to negate your good spell being destroyed) and return it to your hand again. • Negatives• I see no negative or downside to this card at all. • I have a 5 Star Combo For This. Check it out. • Middle World Tribute ComboOk, heres how it goes. You need one copy of Butterfly Dagger-Elma to use this, one Skilled Dark Magician, one Eradicator Epidemic Virus, one Sword Of Dark Rites, and one Lich-Lord, King Of The Underworld. Ok, First Tribute a weaker monster to get lord out. MAKE SURE the magician is on the field first. Then, equip Lich-Lord with Sword Of Dark Rites. (Hold the Dagger in your hand in case Magic Drain is played. Next, tribute the lord for the effect of "Eradicator Epedemic Virus". Choose traps, and all your opponents traps will be destroyed, along with any over the next 3 turns that they acquire. Next, the Sword will return as well. Then, equip both equip cards to SDM. Tribute SDM and summon Dark Magician. Next, equip both cards to DM. He will be 3100. With no traps, your opponent can't defend your attack, unless they have Shrink. Also, the Lich Lord Returns to your hand as well. • This card is a must-have for any duelist. I have no bad things to say about it. Card TrooperUltra RareDP3-EN009No Ban/Limit • Ok, today I took a look at Card Trooper, one of the not so commonly used cards as of today. • Positives: • Ok, here you have a card that lets you draw one card from your deck when it is destroyed, which makes it an ok card.• But let's check out it's secondary effect shall we.It lets you take 3 cards from the top of your deck and send them to the graveyard, to increase it's atk to 1900. • This can be useful, but not all the time. • Negatives: • Need I say it 400/400 for stats?• Lets think here. We have a monster that CAN be 1900, but it requires three of your cards to be discarded. Its a cost of 3 cards when you could just summon Vorse Raider, Luster Dragon etc. • One more thing, its a machine type, so it's useless unless you use it in a Cyber Dragon/Cyberdark Deck. ◘ As always, I will reach into my magic bag of combos and paste one here. • Trooper Storm Combo Ok. Here is a combo from my old power deck. It requires Card Trooper, Vorse Raider, Foolish Burial, Feather Of The Pheonix, and Penguin Knight. Ok, here's what you do. First, activate Foolish Burial. Send Penguin Knight to the graveyard. It's effect won't activate then. Next, activate Feather, and discard Vorse Raider to the graveyard, to return the Penguin back to the top of your deck. Now, use Troopers effect, and the Penguin will get sent to the graveyard, meaning you can re-shuffle your graveyard into your deck. This will help not waste Cards with Troopers Effect. • Overview: • Don't use it except in a Cyberdark Deck. It's effect might allow dragons to get in the graveyard quicker, and your Cyberdark Guys will get stronger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaoserver Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Little Kuriboh's time is up. Got suspended from youtube. :p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Star Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 lol. Your Card Review Is Good Too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Static Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Quote Little Kuriboh's time is up. Got suspended from youtube. :p So sad *cryface* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Star Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Quote Quote Little Kuriboh's time is up. Got suspended from youtube. :p So sad *cryface* Yes. It saddens us all....:( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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