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Precious Cards from Beyond

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do u think ti would be broken if it was


"whenever a 5 or 6 star monster is succesfully tribue summoned you can discard a card to draw a card?"


i think so


but i can see this working in a dedicated deck based around reviving say trojan horse for ag golem

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Guest PikaPerson01

DMoC can be SS-ed through other means. Dump and Revive. Draw Phase with Dasher in the grave, etc etc.


If you must get technical about, yeah. It's a 2 trib.

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This is an ok card if used with Dark monsters, because they can be Tribute Summoned so easily.


The problem is that there are only like 2 really good Dark 2-trib monsters (DMoC and Gorz).


But I think I'll base a deck around this, fun off course.

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