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my TT = Triple Toolbox

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3 Cyber Dragon

1 Snipe Hunter

1 D. D. Warrior Lady

1 Injection Fairy Lily

1 Neo Spacian Grand Mole

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Sangan

1 Mystic Swordsman LV2

2 Exiled Force

2 Don Zaloog

1 D.D. Assailant

3 Mystic Tomato

3 Giant Rat



1 Pot of Avarice

1 Heavy Storm

1 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Snatch Steal

2 Creature Swap

2 Reinforcement of the Army

3 Smashing Ground

3 Shrink

1 Book of Moon



3 Royal Decree

1 Ring of Destruction


this is the Deck I created... please help me increase its strenght...

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How are 2 Creature Swaps working out for you? I know you have 6 searchers, I was just wondering if they ever became dead?


I was wondering the same thing about the Warrior searcher, does it ever get excessive with there only being 1 card that can't be searched through tomato or rat?


Shrinks are great, but have you thought about making room for some Rushes too?

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nice deck' date=' Im trying to get injection fairy lily but I dont know what pack its in, I think its legacy of darkness, or magicians force, but if someone could tell me id appreciate it.[/quote']




How are 2 Creature Swaps working out for you? I know you have 6 searchers, I was just wondering if they ever became dead?


I was wondering the same thing about the Warrior searcher, does it ever get excessive with there only being 1 card that can't be searched through tomato or rat?


Shrinks are great, but have you thought about making room for some Rushes too?

swap is almost never a dead card because in case I can use it and then get my monster back with the mole... so I have 6 searcher + sangan + mole to work with... not to mention weak monsters like mystic lv2 or something else...


RotA is one of the 3 toolboxes to make the deck work... I cannot leave it behind...


I don't like rush it can't even push a donzy over a CD...

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This deck looks solid. Very solid, just a few changes that i would have made.


-1x mystic swordsman LV 2, i dont know why hes there, search for him perhaps, but I dont see the point of a 900 atk monster without lv 4 in the deck.

+1 D.D. assailant. Im guessing this is your real life deck, so if you cant get another assailant i cant blame you, but if you manage to get one I HIGHLY reccomend decking it.


Also, consider decking wildheart, espicially if the decress ever come out. Hes immune to traps and can't be killed by torrential tribute (if you dont have decree working). Honestly, a monarch deck utilizes brain control and soul exchange, and i noticed that this deck is not well prepared for that. Soul exchange + Mobius = GG when your decrees are all gone.


Honestly, I think you should take out the Zaloogs for wildhearts, wildheart is more reliable and zaloog Vs Dark world = PWNT And if you have a PGD Zaloog thats not decked, if you do online trading, check my haves list on the forum (I want it for a collection, not for a deck) And im not asking you to undeck zaloog because i want one, Im suggesting it because Wildheart is honestly just as good if not better.


Also, I have a quarrel with creature swap, let alone 2. Honestly, enemy controllers would help a lot more, you can use it to kill their monster and get out an extra cyber when you already have the advantage without triggering an effect or you can change their monster to whatever position you need, DEF to kil lit easier with Cydra and ATK to kill it with IFL and deal more damage.


Hope this review was helpful.

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This deck looks solid. Very solid' date=' just a few changes that i would have made.


-1x mystic swordsman LV 2, i dont know why hes there, search for him perhaps, but I dont see the point of a 900 atk monster without lv 4 in the deck.

+1 D.D. assailant. Im guessing this is your real life deck, so if you cant get another assailant i cant blame you, but if you manage to get one I HIGHLY reccomend decking it.


Also, consider decking wildheart, espicially if the decress ever come out. Hes immune to traps and can't be killed by torrential tribute (if you dont have decree working). Honestly, a monarch deck utilizes brain control and soul exchange, and i noticed that this deck is not well prepared for that. Soul exchange + Mobius = GG when your decrees are all gone.


Honestly, I think you should take out the Zaloogs for wildhearts, wildheart is more reliable and zaloog Vs Dark world = PWNT And if you have a PGD Zaloog thats not decked, if you do online trading, check my haves list on the forum (I want it for a collection, not for a deck) And im not asking you to undeck zaloog because i want one, Im suggesting it because Wildheart is honestly just as good if not better.


Also, I have a quarrel with creature swap, let alone 2. Honestly, enemy controllers would help a lot more, you can use it to kill their monster and get out an extra cyber when you already have the advantage without triggering an effect or you can change their monster to whatever position you need, DEF to kil lit easier with Cydra and ATK to kill it with IFL and deal more damage.


Hope this review was helpful.


mystic lv2 is an almost autoinclude in warrior toolboxes... it can take out spies, juijitsus, fear monger, and more... (I have the second DD Assailant)

I never met a DW... and if, i side out donzys

I tested wildheart but he didn't work... maybe I coul take out 1 donzy for the 2nd assailant....

for the swaps they are no-brainer... with 6 recruiters + sangan + mole + small monsters like lv2... it does +2 incombo with a pommy (fetching reaper o donzy...) or can nearly OTK with rat (fetching lily).

Of course I have problems with monarchs... but I can side tatamis... (taking out decree and entering mirror + TT

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