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What really gets me mad.


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I went to the movies once where this couple a few rows back just won't shut up. I asked them once or twice to keep it down but still didn't.


So I did what normal people don't do anymore. I walked up to them right to their seats and told them to stop. I sat back down quietly but they laughed. So I threw my (empty) bucket of popcorn at them and landed a head-shot. The rest of the audience thought it entertaining and the couple finally shut up.


The rest of the movie was great.

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Lock this.


I think this topic dosent need locking, its not spam so it is staying here.


To answer your question CK, yes it does get annoying when people disrupt a moving your watching because you cant concentrait on the movie and you just want to hit them and tell them to shut the hell up. :)

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I agree, though I admit, I sometimes am that person, I will try to keep you in mind in future :wink: :lol:


This topic is like Favorite Movies, Favorites Music, Best Console, it is not spam, they are what the 'General' section is for, however, for people like Seal, I must expand the forum description to;


"Talk about anything that dosen't belong in other forums and make sure other people will care about it"


That's what it really means.

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Guest Dufresne

One time someone through a piece of popcorn and it got stuck in my eye!!! I had to go to the doctors and get it removed, but they accidentally ripped out my spinal cord. OW!!! It hurts just thinking about it. Well anyways, I should probably leave because I have rectum surgery in a few minutes. For some reason.

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What gets me is when parents want to go see an adult movie ang drag their kids along.[EXAMPLE Lord of the rings] and the kids don't get what s going on and spend the entire movie yelling whats he doing,whys he doing that,EW their kissing.and screaming at parts that other saw coming. :x

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Well, I suppose you could consider Lord of the Rings an adult movie. When do I spoil fun...? (Looks around suspiciously). "That's for sure" and "Tell me about it" are spam, we are in the middle of a crackdown on spam as you may have realised. Keep that in mind please, or I may be forced to lock this topic.

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  • 1 month later...

Man this happned to me once I went to see Eragon in the cinema with my little brother, I was looking forward ro seeing it for a while as I seen it advertised in Eldest. Anyway me and my bro went to the cinema and there were four peolpe brhind us and they would not shut up, I asked once for them to be quiet, asked twice for them to shut up and then I shouted(everyone crapped themselves at the end by the way) and they finally shut up, the movie was finished, talk about a waste. ahh it fells good to get this off my chest

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Slightly off subject, but I was just wondering how someone can write three books about the word dragon spelt with a typo-'E', look on your keyboards. Anyway, I've read the first one and I did enjoy it, so I'm not exactly ranting. :lol:

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