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How to pull holos - by cheating. Discuss

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okok' date=' i have a trick that works IMO

you first need to buy a pack of any booster that you like, BUT DON'T DESTROY THE WRAPPER, you want to keep the picture on the front as clear as possible

once you open the wrapper, look at the rarity of the card in that pack, and note any deformities on the pack picture, like a smudge of red or something where it shouldn't belong

next time you go hunting for a pack, look for those same deformities

if, for instance, you pull an ultra rare from PTDN, and the pack has a notable deformity, ANY packs with that SAME deformity will contain ultras!

i have tried this trick, and it works! this is because when they are packing the cards, they use different assembly lines for each rarity, and THAT means that each pack will have the same deformities on the cover as the other packs with the same rarity cards in them!

try it out, i managed to pull a DAD and a Dark Nephtys with this trick and i only bought two packs!

so i think it works :D



u saw this on a site somewhere.

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okok' date=' i have a trick that works IMO

you first need to buy a pack of any booster that you like, BUT DON'T DESTROY THE WRAPPER, you want to keep the picture on the front as clear as possible

once you open the wrapper, look at the rarity of the card in that pack, and note any deformities on the pack picture, like a smudge of red or something where it shouldn't belong

next time you go hunting for a pack, look for those same deformities

if, for instance, you pull an ultra rare from PTDN, and the pack has a notable deformity, ANY packs with that SAME deformity will contain ultras!

i have tried this trick, and it works! this is because when they are packing the cards, they use different assembly lines for each rarity, and THAT means that each pack will have the same deformities on the cover as the other packs with the same rarity cards in them!

try it out, i managed to pull a DAD and a Dark Nephtys with this trick and i only bought two packs!

so i think it works :D



u saw this on a site somewhere.

point being?... what is the point of that argument and the one where you told me to try it myself, i HAVE tried it, and i got a DAD, and a Dark Nephtys

i can prove it, i'll send you photos (well, not of the Dark Nephtys, traded it to my friend, but i can of the dad) if you still don't believe me

and i don't care what you say, this trick still works for me

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so, none of you know about the "foil" trick then...?


anyways, i'm surprised that all you guys can be so unethical and selfish. these are the type of tricks people use when they buy boxes, then they sell the rest on eBay. you're depriving someone else of a real lucky find. what if the only card shop near you were to be depleted of their good cards due to someone doing something like this? every other buyer at that shop would then have to be pleased with crappy RARES, incl --- why do i even bother...

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I tried tricks with LODT today.


I picked the puffiest packs who were all 3 also very discoloured and I noticed a lot of differences from the other packs. Here is what I got:


-Rare Diskblade Rider (URGH!!)

-Rare Lumina (Not bad but could be WAY better)

-Rare Froggy Forcefield (You've gotta be f***ing kidding me!)


So, I suck at card pulling to form a conclusion...

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I got some LOTD packs today (7) and put them in the freezer for 4 hours then opened the 3 biggest ones.



Angel 07

Dangerous Machine Type-6

Helios Trice Magistus


Then my friend didn't believe the tricks and bought my other 4 packs and pulled


Froggy Forcefield x2 (in a row!)

Fog King (eh so I missed 1 pack...)

Diskblade Rider (everyone seems to pull these...)

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Actually you don't even need to buy the packs before you try out the trick. If there is a deformity on most of the packs, don't get those as they are plain rares. If there is a common deformity on just a couple packs, those are the ones you want to get, as they contain the better cards. In the LODT box there were only about 7 packs left. Most of the holos were already pulled, so I tried the trick. What I pulled isn't by luck, but by using the deformity trick(you look for a dot on the back where the silver foil part is, if it's on most of the packs, don't get any of them, but if it's on some of the packs, you should get them as they contain a good cards) :).

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