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Help with old account access



Hello everyone, I haven’t been on this website since 2011 and started here in 2008 back when it was Yu-Gi-Oh card maker.net. I used to go by Mage and then later Gogeta. I was a moderator at one point. I was only about 13 years old back then. I used to be on here every day, designing cards, designing card packs, and learning how to use gimp to edit photos cause I couldn’t afford Photoshop. I also wrote a little bit of fanfiction and enjoyed the community here. And the early 2010s started taking interest in music production and long story short. I actually ended up going blind in 2015 from a gunshot, it took a long time to get myself reacclimated. One problem I’ve encountered over the years is that I lost track of my emails and in the case for yahoo emails those old accounts were deleted. I recently found my old user account on here, but I can’t remember my password and don’t remember the email I used or if it even still exists but I’m almost certain it was a yahoo email. I’m trying to see if there’s a moderator or anybody that could help me regain access to that account? I have proof of who I am pictures, my ID and all my information matches up with my account called Gogeta there’s a trademark symbol attached to the name, but I can’t type it because I’m doing this from my phone. Again, I’ve been here since 2008, I was a moderator at one point, Barry involved with the community and I even remember back when you had to go request graphics for dark synchros because it wasn’t an option in the card maker. I also remember the creator of the website being a very ominous figure that would every once in a while post with updates and it was like The rarest thing ever. My old account holds a lot of sentimental value to me because there’s a lot of writing from back when I was younger, and now that I know this place even still exists, I would like to participate in the community again. Hopefully, I hear from someone soon.  

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