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As a Fan of the Lair of Darkness Theme Deck, I was thinking of how to give this Deck a bit of Love since there hasn't been a lot specific Support other than the occasional Normal Trap that fits in or Cards that Tribute as Cost.

So here are 3 Creations I think which would make the Deck more consistent, especially support the Lady of Lament cards and adding more interaction with the Torment Tokens.

I hope you like my cards, those are the first I made :)

Diabolica, Lady of the Lair:


I actually can't believe "Diabolica" is not part of the Lair of Darkness Theme, she fits perfectly from her design, but the Effect of the original Diabolica is really kinda bad. So this would be my updated Version of that card to finally fit her into the Lair of Darkness Deck :)

Since Lair of Darkness is a Control Deck that usually plays multiple turns, I gave her a way to attach new Materials while simultanously increasing on the Card removal potential for opponents Card while also keeping the effect to search for Trap Cards, since you're most likely using Lilith as a Material to create that card and Lilith's effect is already really strong, so there has to be a good reason to Xys Summon Diabolica using Lilith aswell for getting an Upgrade. The only thing she can't do is setting a Trap Card in the opponents turn, which is important for the next new cards in this List. But this I want to keep with Lilith.



Finally a way to special Summon your main monsters directly from the Deck without the need of Tour Guide, although she still works well for the Xys Summon.

This card also makes that you can activate one trap card the turn it was set, making all your Lady of Lament Effects way more dangerous for the opponent.

You also get a Torment Token for a Lady of Lament Summon and you can even choose to give it your opponent, if you wanna play with Gozen Match for example. The Tokens are also way more useful for the next card, so it makes sense to summon more of those.

Lamenting Shades:


This Card I made to give the Deck more interaction with the Torment Tokens. A useful card to negate some Card Effects, mostly to protect your Backrow while also protecting for your Ladies. A much needed card in my opinion for the Deck.


What do you think about those cards? :)

Edited by Itama
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