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Legacy Series #1- Copycat: Legacy of Mimicry

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This is a series of realistic, balanced retrains of old monsters starting with my childhood favorite.






2 monsters
When this card is Summoned: You can target 1 monster on the field (ignoring any monster effects that prevent targeting); this card gains ATK equal to that monster's ATK or DEF (your choice). During each of your Standby Phases: You can target 1 other monster on the field; this card gains ATK equal to half that monster's current ATK or DEF.

(Quick Effect): Once per turn, you can select 1 card your opponent controls, or 1 card in either player's Graveyard; use that card's effect. You may change card text that includes Archetype Names, Levels, Types, Attributes, and specific Monster Names to meet the requirements for those effects. If the selected effect requires detaching Xyz Materials, you can banish cards from your Graveyard instead (up to the number of Xyz Materials required).

I combined the effects of Copycat and Graverobber into one card and then updated both of their effects. Copycat just kinda reflects a monster. But his design is so eldritch, I say I update that lore so the mirror captures bits of the souls of his enemies too.

As for Graverobber:

1: It's a trap so it's too slow

2: it only targets spells

3: Because of how many restrictions are put on spell cards these days finding a useful target for Grave Robber's effects is nigh impossible

4: There is a crazy LP cost. Even in older formats, this card was never all that good.

5: Its a clutch card in the anime. I wanted to capture that here.


RULING: It's not stated here, but because this card uses effects of other cards, Your own hard Once Per Turns are off limits on your turn. Because hard OPTs usually say "you." being the turn player. You CAN, however, steal your opponents effects on their turn. Any concerns about repeating combos using your own hOPTs should be quelched.

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