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Castle of Dark Illusions Retrain Ideas


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Hey everyone I always thought it would be cool to see the original Castle of Dark Illusions used by PaniK in the anime make its way to the game, so here are some ideas for how I think it could happen. In the anime, the original Castle of Dark Illusions casts a shadow around the board and makes it impossible for Yugi to make an effective move, so the purpose of the card is to add a level of uncertainty to your opponent's plays. Here are some concepts to the retrain.


Fortress of Dark Illusions (Dice Rolling Method)  

 Spell / Field


 This card is unaffected by your opponent's card effects while you control at least 1 monster on your side of the field. Destroy all monsters on your side of the field if this card is removed from the field. While you control at least 1 monster on your side of the field, if your opponent declares an attack or activates an effect that affects 1 or more monster(s) on your side of the field, they must roll a six-sided die, treat your Main Monster Zones as 1-5 , counting from your right, and your Extra Deck Monster Zone as 6. The target of the effect or attack is the result. If there is no monster in the targeted zone, negate the effect or attack.


Fortress of Dark Illusions (Extra Deck Method)

 Spell / Field


 While this card is face-up on the field, if your opponent activates a card's effect that removes 1 or more card(s) on the field, they must change the target to 1 card on the field and only that target is affected by the card effect. This card is unaffected by your opponent's card effects while you control at least 1 monster on your side of the field. Destroy all monsters on your side of the field if this card is removed from the field. Once per turn (Quick-Effect), you can reveal 1 monster on your side of the field, change that target's battle position to face-down attack position (if it is not) and special summon as many monsters from your extra deck as possible that list this card's name in it's effect in face-down Attack Position, rearrange all face-down monsters on your side of the field.


 Note: For this method to work and be balanced, I was thinking the extra deck monsters could be 0 ATK / 0 DEF Illusion monsters that negate battle damage, offer some punishing effect, and return to the extra deck if they are destroyed by battle


Fortress of Dark Illusions (Magical Hats Method)

 Spell / Field


 While this card is face-up on the field, the battle position of all face-down monsters on the field must be in attack position. Treat all face-down cards on your side of the field as normal monsters (ATK 0/ DEF 0) If a face-down monster you control battles with an opponent's monster, before the damage step, that monster's ATK/DEF becomes its original ATK/DEF. Your opponent can attack any face-down card on your side of the field. Destroy all cards on your side of the field if this card leaves the field. Once per turn (quick effect) you can set all cards on your side of the field face-down and rearrange all face-down cards on your side of the field.

Edited by CardSharpDoppel
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For the first two cards, the destruction effect is redundant because the card can't be destroyed. I would recommend adding the effect "If you take 2000 or more effect damage due to the effects of your opponent's cards; Destroy this card." that way the card can be unaffected and still have the self-destruct effect trigger. Great card ideas though, and I wish konami gave more love to panik.

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