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Pichu or Pichu Brothers

Mew 101

Which Picture  

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  1. 1. Which Picture

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[align=center]Hee hee hee...now that you've been lead to this thread by a topic name that will attract people here to report this post, I need your Help.


I am making a Pokémon set (I will not post it untill I have made all 400 something pokemon cards), and I can't decide if, for Pichu, if I should use a Pic of just Pichu, or a Pic of the Pichu Brothers.




[spoiler=Disclamer]All art belongs to DeviantART.


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Actualy, DMG, theres going to be more than 493 POKéMON (Cards of Actual Pokémon) because I'm also making Pokémon rumored Ex: Mewthree, if I can get Pictures, all forms of pokemon with more than 1 form, and Missingno.

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Well if you're going to make a card based on pichu, then there should only be 1 pichu. If it's the brothers, then name it accordingly.


For what it's worth, the picture on the left looks better whereas the one on the right is stretched narrowly. Also, I do agree that that effect would better describe the pichu brothers, I don't see a single pichu having that effect.

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It shall be...pichu brothers Also, I shall post some of my cards in the set if I think they are just wonderful. Also, I don't mean shinys and all of those. I mean if it has more than 1 form i.e. Deoxys, that I'll make those.

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hmmm french eh? i think he wants to say: "I believe that there should only be 1 pichu because if its PICHU that would be only one, but if you should make pichu called brothers called it would be wierd" thanks babelfish translation :D

lol, but awesome ur going with pichu bros.!

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  • 6 months later...

so wait Mew 101 you are going to do all 30 unknown' date=' 4 deoxys, missingno?



There are 28 Unown A-Z(26) and ?&!(28)

When Platinum is released there will be 5 or 6 new forms of Rotom, there are 17 forms of Arceus, 2 forms of Shellos, Gastrodon, Giratina, and Shaymin as well as 4 Deoxys and 4 Castform 3 burmy, 3 wormadam, 0 mewthree(officially), 0 missingo(officially) and 493 shiny pokemon.

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