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8 new cards for Blue-Eyes Structure Deck

Mr Deykar

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So its confirmed that we will get 8 new cards for Blue-Eyes support. Lets have some fun to speculate what that could be. 

So what are the goals to make Blue-Eyes a better deck?

1. Make the deck brick less. 

2. Have card synergy and not work against each other. (Ultimate Fusion shuffles blue eyes into the deck and works against Jet and Abyss)

3. Make the deck commit to a strategy and not have a mix of everything for the sake of consistency. (Blue-Eyes has fusions, Synchro and Ritual)

4. Better boss monsters. ( Chaos-Max is okay'ish, but not great for todays standarts by any means, especially since you need a ritual summoning card and cant special summon it in other ways)


So to make sure the cards are actual Blue-Eyes support, you need them to directly require or relate to Blue-Eyes White Dragon in some way. But Blue-Eyes itself results in bricking. 

The only way i see resolving this issue is by creating a new card which replaces OG Blue-Eyes.


My suggestion:




Clearly inspired by its fusion counter part "Neo-Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon". Its easy to special summon and it also speeds up the consistency of getting white stone of ancients into the GY to summon another Blue eyes monster from the deck and it can send itself or other monsters (like Jet) from the deck to the GY, if it gets to attack. Then it protects itself from targeting effects through its own effect from the grave. Here you get the option to either banish them for protection, or you could use ultimate fusion to shuffle them back into the deck, which as a result would mean it could use its 3 attacks next turn again. 


This card by itself would already do alot for the deck. Maybe too much? Would love some feedback and suggestions on what the other cards could be.









Edited by Mr Deykar
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Based on the "Eyes of Blue" name in the tag, I think that this card could be pretty good support: 

Emporer Dragun of Blue-Eyes


LIGHT Level 8

2700 ATK / 1800 DEF

1 Level 4 or lower Spellcaster Monster + 1 "Blue-Eyes" Dragon Monster
(This card is always treated as a "With Eyes of Blue" card.)
This card gains the effects of all Spellcaster Monsters that were used as Material for this card's Fusion Summon. If your opponent targets a "Blue-Eyes" Monster you control, you can change the target to another appropriate target before the resolution of that effect. Once per turn, you can target one Dragon Monster in your hand or Graveyard; Special Summon that Monster.


Edited by LazerSwordKirbo
forgot level and atribute
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27 minutes ago, LazerSwordKirbo said:

Based on the "Eyes of Blue" name in the tag, I think that this card could be pretty good support: 

Emporer Dragun of Blue-Eyes


LIGHT Level 8

2700 ATK / 1800 DEF

1 Level 4 or lower Spellcaster Monster + 1 "Blue-Eyes" Dragon Monster
(This card is always treated as a "With Eyes of Blue" card.)
This card gains the effects of all Spellcaster Monsters that were used as Material for this card's Fusion Summon. If your opponent targets a "Blue-Eyes" Monster you control, you can change the target to another appropriate target before the resolution of that effect. Once per turn, you can target one Dragon Monster in your hand or Graveyard; Special Summon that Monster.


Any spellcaster as material and it gets its effect? Oh boy, i could see that getting abused. 

I mean i get it, you want to make Maiden and Sage as valid fusion materials. Which isnt a bad idea.


But you could easily turn this into a stun card if you use Jowgen as material. Neither player can special summon anymore.

Edited by Mr Deykar
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Well you would have the Dictator of D. still intigrated. 

Do you think Lord of D. support is viable? Its basically a brick if you cant fuse it immediately.

I rather see them doing new "Lord of D." card which has the same effect as the OG, but also has additional "Blue-Eyes" related support.

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Nightmare Magician but Blue-Eyes:

Dragon Lightmare of White

LIGHT Level 8


3000 ATK / 2400 DEF

(This card is always treated as a "Blue-Eyes" Monster)
When this card battles, neither card is destroyed by that battle. When this card battles after the damage step; Shuffle the card that battled this card into the Deck, then Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes" Monster or 1 Level 1 LIGHT Tuner Monster from your Deck. When another Monster declares an attack, once per turn; You can Banish 1 card on the Field.


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That sounds a bit too strong. Its summon gives you +1 which results in a guranteed synchro or xyz summon and it has a once per turn non targeting banish. 

Also having dragon in its name, but not being dragon type always triggered me. Which also means you cant search it with Melody btw.


Edited by Mr Deykar
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  • 2 weeks later...

Tell me what you all think about these two blue eyes support cards my idea behind these were: 

1. I didnt want to kill the nostalgia of the OG blue eyes but I understand the feeling of bricking so none of my card will aim to replace but the ultimate creature as a boss monster but there will be some other boss like monsters added in the future post 

2. synergy, speed, and relevance (special summon, negate, draw, add disruption or removal) 

3. If you read any of my cards and say that’s just broken I totally understand however the blue eyes engine it’s self is week and needs cards to bring it to high level of play and if it ends up to OP that’s what the forbidden and limited lists are for right ?!?!

Blue eyes draconic sorceress .jpeg

Blue eyes white Baby Dragon .jpeg

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On 5/14/2024 at 4:17 PM, Mr Deykar said:

That sounds a bit too strong. Its summon gives you +1 which results in a guranteed synchro or xyz summon and it has a once per turn non targeting banish. 

Also having dragon in its name, but not being dragon type always triggered me. Which also means you cant search it with Melody btw.


It bothers me too most of the time but I thought nightmare magician needed a blue eyes counterpart 

9 hours ago, Thechozenprince said:

Tell me what you all think about these two blue eyes support cards my idea behind these were: 

1. I didnt want to kill the nostalgia of the OG blue eyes but I understand the feeling of bricking so none of my card will aim to replace but the ultimate creature as a boss monster but there will be some other boss like monsters added in the future post 

2. synergy, speed, and relevance (special summon, negate, draw, add disruption or removal) 

3. If you read any of my cards and say that’s just broken I totally understand however the blue eyes engine it’s self is week and needs cards to bring it to high level of play and if it ends up to OP that’s what the forbidden and limited lists are for right ?!?!

Blue eyes draconic sorceress .jpeg

Blue eyes white Baby Dragon .jpeg

The text could use some cleaning up to help with timing but but I like the idea although the baby does lock you out of playing three blue eyes white dragons and should probably be level 4 to keep one level higher than the red eyes baby.

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Totally agree with neo blue-eyes to remove the brick, I actually made a neo blue-eyes as well a little while ago!

Mine is more in line with a link and neo to get rid of the brick and then the king and the queen establish control and shutdown by playing them together.

TBH, I hadnt finished with the king and queen effects, and the queen is level 12 when in reality should be a 9 or 10 so probably another revision is on the future. 

Blue Eyes Princess.png

Blue-Eyes Raidiant King Dragon.png

Blue-Eyes Shinning Queen Dragon.png

Neo Blue-eyes white dragon.png

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