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Shadow Game: Rage of the Pacifist

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Continuous Spell:


Neither player takes damage. When damage would be inflicted, place rage counters on this card according to the following:
  • If the damage is 2000 or less, place 1 rage counter.
  • If the damage is over 2000 but less than 3000, place 3 rage counters.
  • If the damage is over 3000 but less than 4000, place 4 rage counters.
  • If the damage is 4000 or more, place 7 rage counters.
When this card reaches 14 or more rage counters, either player can activate the following effect: "Destroy 1 'Shadow Game: Rage of the Pacifist' on the field."
If this card leaves the field: The player who removed it from the field takes damage equal to 600 multiplied by the number of rage counters on this card when it left the field. This damage cannot be negated.


This is a yugioh card based around the original concept for Yugioh, The shadow games. There's a very good video on why Yugioh needs a proper anime, so I started thinking about cards that would make up this new anime staple but could also be played in real life. 

I call these "Cards Games within the Game." They're powerful and game-state altering while simultaneously existing in their own niche world. I do wonder how powerful cards like this would be in the current meta or how the community would react to a card like this. 

On one hand It's generic

On the other hand, it's a spell without serious search support

But then when it does appear, it's leaving a mark on the game if it's not immediately negated and destroyed. What do you think? Overtuned? Undertuned? Needs more Oomph?

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