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Prototype Cards reply and rate

Cero Oscuras

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As with the "New York" card, it is overpowered should be 200-300 instead. And it says "Alex Mercers" which, in the real yugioh card game, wouldnt effect any monster as the monster's name is "Alex Mercer" not "Alex Mercers".


The balde arm is overpowered to say the least. it should say "This card can only be equiped to "Alex Mercer". Increase the equipped monster's ATK points by 900 and Decrease it's DEF points by 900."


The Claws-is good up to the last part should say- "If the equipped monster is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to the Graveyard, you may send to the top of your Deck instead."


Hammerfist is ok Ground spikes are overpowered. and ive already seen the "Mercer" so you know what i told you.


7/10 much better than expected your beginning to be a good qualitied card maker XD

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