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Ritualistic Card first attempt


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This is my first post of an actual card so I hope that it's alright. I don't have any art for the cards unfortunately.

Majestic Dragon Lord Felgrand

Level 9


1+ Dragon Monsters + 1 Tuner Monster
You can Ritual Summon this card using "Ascent of the Dragon Lord". 
This card is treated as Level 8 while on the Field or in the Graveyard.
If this card is Summoned: You can Special Summon Dragon Monsters from your Graveyard up to the number of Dragon Monsters used for the Summoning of this card. If this card was Ritual Summoned it cannot be destroyed except by battle with or the card effect of a Dragon Monster.


Ascent of the Dragon Lord

Ritual Spell

You can use this card to Ritual Summon "Majestic Dragon Lord Felgrand" from your Extra Deck by sending one Level 7 or 8 Dragon Monster in your hand or on your Field and one Dragon Tuner from your deck to the Graveyard. You cannot activate this card if there is a Non-Dragon monster in you Field, Graveyard or Banishment.


Divine Stone of Legend

Level 1


You can treat this card as a Level 2 Monster for the Ritual or Synchro summon of a Dragon Monster. You can tribute this card you control; Special Summon one Level 7 or 8 LIGHT Dragon monster from you deck with less than 3000 ATK. If this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard: Dragon Monsters you control cannot be targeted by card effects this turn. You can shuffle this card from your hand into your deck: Add one Ritual Spell that mentions Dragon Monsters from your deck to your hand.


The whole idea of the Ritualistic card is that it gains effects when it is ritual summoned rather than just Synchro Summoning it like normal although that is an option. I would love to get any ideas on how to make the Ritualistic concept better or anybody's idea for a card. I imagined the card having the bottom half be ritual blue like how pendulum cards are half spell blue, also the Ritualistic term is intended to be applicable to everything like pendulum.

Edited by LazerSwardKirbo
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