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My KH Cards(Three New Cards Added)


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Please tell me if they need to be fixed up please tell me exactly what or I'll have no clue what to change. Please tell me if you find any good pictures with backgrounds thank you in advance.

Disclaimer:I own none of these pictures. They belong to their owners.

Edit: I'm sorry how the three new pictures are they won't go like the others.






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Not enough Heartless in the set to make use of the Nobody's Remove 1 Heartless to summon effect.. But it is a clever idea. First KH Set that I have seen that wasn't just thrown together like this..


Monster Name: Sora


Normal Monster(but they put in an effect anyways)

Text: ZOMG! He is awesome, and uz kans kill everytin ur opponent has




Good Job.

7.5/10 for effort.

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Yea I know but if you know of any good pictures can you please help


You might want to either look for better pictures yourself, or crop the pictures you have now into square-shaped pics, so they don't stretch when you make the card.

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The pictures could use some work - I would advise cropping some images so that they fit better. I like the effects of the Organization; you actually put down legitimate effects instead of overpowering them like so many others.


I must say though, I'm a tad disappointed in the Heartless cards. I actually already made a set of Heartless cards (They're in here, but haven't gotten any attention -_-) that I think could play well with your Organization. I was actually going to make a Nobody set too, but now that I've seen this, I'd feel unoriginal.


Anyway, rating-ness:


Pics - 5/10

OCG - 7/10 Some punctuation errors and a few phrasing issues.

Creativity - 10/10 Good job.


=O If you'd like, you can give my Heartles cards a look - they're in the siggy.

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