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Scarsmiths and their creations, a Ritual Pendulum archetype

Ultimate Pheer

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I've been fiddling with the idea of an archetype that uses pendulum scales instead of proper ritual spells for the past couple of weeks. I tried to keep them somewhat generic, so they could both support other ritual archetypes and be supported by them in turn, but I admit I am not exactly sure how effective I was with that. I'm still not entirely sure if I'm happy with the effects of the pendulums besides Mirrorcaster, or if I'm happy with the effects of the level 4s, either. This entire archetype is still a work in progress. But, I hope you all like it anyway.





Scarsmith Ashcaster.jpeg

Scarsmith Mirrorcaster.jpeg

Scarsmith Overcaster.jpeg

Scarsmith Veilcaster.jpeg

Doomscar Shambler.jpeg

Doomscar Shuffler.jpeg

Scarforged Dirgebuster.jpeg

Scarforged Scalewarden.jpeg

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