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Welcome to the Majestic World (The "Majestic" Archetype)


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Before anything is said, please bear in mind that I'm doing this through mobile; I cannot find tune the post and how it looks. I know it looks like shit. I'm sorry. I'll remake it or just edit it when I get access to my pc.

Good evening. Thank you for attending my TED Talk. This is a showcase of my first ever (before the "Primordial Sin" even) archetype, which I took the task to remake.

I'd say its a very slow burn Deck, at least for the first 5 rounds.

"But how will you survive in this meta with something so slow?!"

No idea. The Deck is revolving around the Field Spells, which have the concept of evolving between them as the Majestic World literally expands. You'll see what I mean with the cards themselves. The Archetype mechanics revolve around utilising different Attributes and discarding tons of cards as cost and effect and then recycling them (I swear I accidentally stuck an infinite loop there somewhere. That's why I need someone or somemany to cross-check the Archetype - both of them). I would say the deck it makes is a control Deck that can't really take game without at least the first upgrade of the Field Spell (though it is possible). But as soon as you hit Majestic Realm, or even better, Majestic World, you start doing big things without worrying. Majestic World in fact has to be one of the most broken cards. Definitely the most broken Field Spell.

Deservedly so, I'd say. You need 5 rounds minimum and -14 cards to bring it out.

And yes. I'm fully aware exactly how disastrously it can brick. Imagine going full limb hand turn 1. Wouldn't be me.

Anyway, as a last thing I need to say that the Archetype is not finished. You're not even seeing every card I made for it. 

Oh. Did I say it's a Fusion Archetype?

It's a Fusion Archetype.

Edit: Forgot to add "Majestic Fusion". It's here now.


Field Spells (and their limbs)





Fusion Monsters:


Reviews appreciated. And mandatory.

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