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The "Primordial Sin" Archetype *PROLOGUE*


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Embrace Sin, let your self be dragged down the depths of Hell, be banished from the Light and banish everyone in your way.

Well, quite literally as this is how the archetype works.

Banish hands, banish Graveyards, banish Deck, banish card, banish LP, banish your self, and banish the fun from your opponent.

Welcome, to the "Primordial Sin" archetype.




Is this text copied from my original post from 2022? Yes it is.

This is just the prologue.

As for the Archetype itself, I must stress that while it can be played anime style with all cards in it, it is supposed to be played following an angle. There are plenty semi-boss and boss monsters that you are meant to summon for game. When the full post comes out you'll know that you can either go one way or the other. Or you can mix and match. But I keep rambling while I shouldn't be rambling.

Here is one angle. The Astaroth chain (plus a bonus teaser of another boss angle).

Bear in mind (to avoid confusion), the whole Archetype revolves around 3 things; banishing effects, very high level monsters and ways to pump them out. Performing a traditional Xyz Summon on lets say "Abraxas" isn't impossible.

Typo on "Primordial Reincarnation".

I swear Abraxas has a much simpler way to word his effect.


And now for the teaser.



I would love to hear your thoughts. Full Archetype (with a plethora of cards to accompany these ones and they include everything except Synchros) will come at a later date (aka when I have access to a PC)

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32 minutes ago, Nethersoul said:

I think your "Rank-up-magic" Spell need to be "once per turn".

Thing is, both of them are very limited. Especially "Primordial Force" can only work on Belial into Azazel, since it takes a "Sin" monster exclusively and not a "Primordial as its original target. "Sinful Force" is equally limited as Bael can pull a CD Infinity on Crocell. So, unless you want to go triple Azazel, they don't need to be opt.


Then again, triple Azazel could possibly cause a Burn OTK if you go through enough hoops to gather all the necessary fodder to summon all 3 of them. So a case could be made that the Rank-Up-Magics need to be opt. We'll see

Edited by PrinceAsmodeus
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1 hour ago, Nethersoul said:

That's what I meant, you can Summon Big boss cause "Sinful Force" effect in one turn. No limitations. Btw, how to bring "Andramelech" from "Abraxas"..?

With another card which will be in the mega-post. But there are ways to bring him naturally anyway. The Archetype revolves around high level monsters in general (except the Shards of The Void which are level 0)

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