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Elemental hero deck

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Monsters: elemental hero avian, elemental hero burstinatrix, elemental hero clayman, elemental hero sparkman, neo spacian glow moss, neo spacian dark panther, elemental hero wildheart, winged kuriboh, winged kuriboh lvl 10, elemental hero neos alius, elemental hero ocean, elemental hero necroshade, luster dragon, magicians valkyria, tribe infecting virus, elemental hero stratos, neo spacian flare scarab, elemental hero bladedge, elemeantal hero neos, neo spacian air hummingbird, neo spacian aqua dolphin, elemental hero bubbleman, neo spacian grand mole.


Spells: polymerization

bubble illusion

premature burial

hero flash

mystical space typhoon

pot of greed

e-emergency call

bubble blaster

h-heated heart

neo space

r-righteous justice


transcendent wings


mage power

miracle fusion

super polymerization


Traps: call of the haunted

negate attack

change of hero reflector ray

clay charge

magic cylinder

sakuretsu armor

hero signal



Fusions: elemental hero shining flare wingman

elemental hero flame wingman

elemental hero dark neos

elemental hero thunder giant

elemental hero electrum

elemental hero aqua neos

elemental hero wildedge

elemental hero steam healer

elemental hero mariner

elemental hero rampart blaster

elemental hero necroid shaman

elemental hero wild wingman

elemental hero grand neos

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Monsters: king of the swamp x3 ,elemental hero clayman x2, elemental hero sparkman x1, elemental hero wildheart x3, elemental hero ocean x3, elemental hero necroshade x2, elemental hero stratos, elemental hero bladedge, elemental hero bubbleman, neo spacian grand mole, elemental hero prisma x3


Spells: polymerization x2

premature burial

mystical space typhoon

e-emergency call x3

r-righteous justice x2

skyscraper 2

miracle fusion x3

super polymerization x2

future fusion

monster reborn



sakuretsu armor x3

torrential tribute

mirror force


Fusions: elemental hero shining flare wingman

elemental hero flame wingman

elemental hero thunder giant

elemental hero electrum

elemental hero wildedge

elemental hero steam healer

elemental hero mariner

elemental hero rampart blaster

elemental hero necroid shaman

elemental hero wild wingman

elemental hero darkbright

elemental hero plasma vice

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ive never lost a duel with it


If youve never lost a duel with this deck and this deck sucks, youre opponents must really suck. This deck would get pwned by my Cyberdarks, Macro Monarchs, my own E-Hero deck and even my WATER deck. If this deck plays by traditional I cant imaginge how badly my Chaos deck would beat this deck.

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u know its people like you that i truely hate people that have no lives at all being mean critizeing everyone just to make yourself feel better about your miserable life (goldshine dragon)


Excuse me. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IVE BEEN THROUGH. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? If I had half a life, I wouldnt be wasting my time on this site.

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