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"The Last Journey"

Trap Card

Choose 5 Zombie monsters from your Deck and have your opponent pick 1 of them at random to add to your hand. Otherwise, send the other to the GY. You can only activate 1 "The Last Journey" per turn.



"The Curse of the Last Knight"

Trap Card

During the turn this card was activate; each time Zombie monster(s) on the field would be destroyed by card effect, the player's can send 1 Zombie monster from their Deck to the GY instead (their choice). You can only activate 1 "The Curse of the Last Knight" per turn.

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Interesting ideas, but they seem incredibly unbalanced (The Last Journey is far too strong and The Curse is easily abuseable). There as some issues with the card grammar, but you got your point across and they are both understandable.

"The Last Journey" - Hard once per turn is good. There is however no downside, restriction, cost or requirement for activation aside the card being slow, as an inherent Trap needed to be Set. Even if you reduce the search down to 3 different Zombies and have them revealed when your opponent picks which one you get to keep in hand - the effect is just too strong, when you consider Zombies love to dwell the GY. Can be easily balanced if you add one of those mentioned - consider "Foolish Burial" also has no cost, and lets you send just 1 monster to the GY and the card is Limited for being too good.

"The Curse of the Last Knight" - If you're playing this to protect against your opponent's destruction - they will stop wasting their resources after the 1st chain resolves. (like a floodgate that relies on your opponent's inaction rather than taking control, a passive restriction they can just wait out to pass - example: "Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood",). However, this card is also ripe for abuse - as the previous card - there is no restriction, cost or uncommon requirement to trigger, enough to counter both positives the cards provide - you can easily use your own effects and destroy your own Zombies, filling your GY with amazing Zombies in the blink of an eye - Torrential Tribute, Dark Hole, Needle Ceiling, Blind Obliteration etc.).


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I believe that the trap card "The last journey" is just a slow version of Painful choice. However, they may be a Deck that could abuse this since it is a Normal Trap. If you changed it to a condition however, like if your opponent destroys a Zombie monster you control then activate it's effect or something of that nature it might be a little less powerful. It is still slow though but I could see it be an abused card in an FTK. Now the wording is a little off in that does the player get to either add a card to your hand, or send all 5 to the GY, or does it work like painful choice?


"The curse of the last night" seems almost too busted since even though it isn't searchable, a card that protects zombie cards from destruction and also pluses you since most of the goo zombie cards plus you when sent to the GY or Special Summon themselves it would be a pretty nasty card. However the wording is a little weird.

I think the art looks really cool though!!

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