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Misfire Dragon - Rokket/Borrel Support


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Borrels and Rokkets have longed for a spell searcher since forever, so I thought I'd come up with an idea for one. This card would, imo, be the necessary extension to make pure Rokkets a valid strategy. Its ability to use a rokket in hand for the summon protects you from dying to ashed Striker Dragon. Its capability to search helps you get either a boot sector launch if striker got ashed, a Quick Launch, maybe some new support rokket spells, or even if on a pinch later on in the game, something like Bayonet Punisher. And at the same time, it allows you to send either an Absorouter or a double disruptor to the GY! Then, its last GY effect is essentially just a way for you to trigger your Rokkets, since you'll probably be using your Borrelend on the Opponent rather than them. It does have the cost of locking you into DARKs the entire turn however, so it would stop a bit of the Dragon Link synergy I hope.




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