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Topologic Borrel Dragon - Topoglic/Borrel Support that doesn't suck.


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I really dislike Borrelcode dragon for being such a wasted opportunity of a card, fusing together Revolver's two main boss monster archetypes, so I decided to make a better version!


This card's first effect is obviously a reference to the Topologic monsters, only difference being that it actually targets a single monster instead of destroying everything. The reason for this is to be able to activate your Rokket effects using this card, since they trigger by being targeted. This card's second effect is a sort of reference to Revovler's Storm Access, only it makes you pay LP instead of requiring you to be at a certain LP or lower (because that'd be useless, right Heatoul?). It's great support for both archetypes, since you can either Special Summon a Topologic and immediately trigger its effect, or Special Summon a Borrel monster and give it a Rokket to target.

No hard once per turns since Topologics don't really have those, and I can't see any way this effect would be abused, since the card excludes itself from the Special Summon, but I'm very open to feedback!





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