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Which Deck should have been dominating in their respective series, either with Legacy Support or not?


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My picks for this category have to go to Blue Angel and Ghost girl

The first thing that Ghost Girl does vs her own brother is use Imperm on his turn and Summon Multifaker. Plus in Duel Links she has a dominant strategy with her Deck that causes players to ragequit. Like, HOW does she lose when she has a Meta Defining card in Imperm and a Deck that dominates formats in DL?

Second but certainly not least is Blue Angel. First off, how did she lose so many Speed Duels when she had an OTK in almost every hand she had? Trickstars can kill on turn 1 easily with the right setup, especially with 4k LP instead of 8k. So wtf did the anime do her dirty like that. It wouldn't hurt Playmaker to lose just once to this damn deck. 

That's my picks, what about yours? 

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