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Sin of wrath


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3 hours ago, ObexClown said:

King of Anger: Sin of Wrath

Good pics, but i think need much fixed. I have some idea to rework this card effect.

King of Anger: Sin of Wrath [DARK]

Rank 10/Fiend/Xyz/Pendulum/Effect

(3300/100)  Scale 10◀ ▶10

Pend. Effect: Your opponent cannot activate card or effect during the Battle Phase. If you have 4000 or less LP, you can tribute 2 monster you control: Your opponent must choose 1 monster they control with the highest ATK; give the choosed monster to you. You can only activate this effect of this card name once per turn.


2 Level 10 monsters

Once per turn, you can choose 1 of your opponent Main Monster zone: As long you control this face-up card, negate the Effect of the monster that place on that Monster Zone, also, halve its ATK/DEF. If this card would be destroyed by battle or by card effect; you can detach 1 material from this card instead. If this card in the Monster Zone is destroyed by battle or by card effect; you can place this card to your Pendulum Zone instead.


Note: If you want to post your custom card as random or little bit Over Power Effect, you can post in "Casual Card" (don't in "Card Game Workshop"). OR if you confident and have a custom card with a Balance Effect, you can post in "Realistic Card".


Btw thank's for following me.

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