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"LIN" cards


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The number of trolls/nincompoops posting bullcrap like this recently is beyond absurd.  The ability to read is lacking, as is the ability to communicate and/or comprehend actual thoughts, opinions, etc.  Saying stuff like "Deck of insects" is ostensibly supposed to conjure up images in the minds of those who read it more clearly than actually writing out the entire idea ever could.  Or else the OP is requesting someone to construct a deck of insects - not insect Yugioh cards; actual insects.  Someone grab him a cockroach or two.

To the OP: If you have an idea for an insect-based strategy, feel free to elaborate.  If you are soliciting ideas for an insect-based Yugioh strategy or original archetype:  Again, feel free to elaborate.  You will find several polite, verbose souls who come here from time to time who would gladly either render feedback for your ideas or else assist you with brainstorming for your ideas.  Not many, as this forum is now sadly a mere husk, but there remain one or two.

Posting a thread that says "deck of insects" with neither pictures nor explanation is an excellent way to accomplish precisely nothing.

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