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Windows OS-Tan Synchros

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Chillvistan the Aero Supremacist
Level 8/WIND/Cyberse/Synchro/Effect
1 Cyberse Tuner + 1+ Cyberse non-Tuner monsters
(This card is always treated as an "Microsoft" and "Windows" card.)
You can only use the 2nd and 3rd effect of this card's name each once per turn.
(1) Any card that leaves your opponent's field is placed on the bottom of their Deck or is sent from your opponent's Main Deck to the GY is banished instead.
(2) If this card is Special Summoned: You can shuffle 1 card on the field into the Deck.
(3) (Quick Effect): You can banish this face-up card on the field, until the end of this turn; this turn, each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from the Main Deck, Extra Deck, or GY, immediately draw 1 card, also during the end of this turn return all non-Cyberse monsters you control to the hand.


Nanami Madobe the Aero Master
Level 8/WATER/Cyberse/Synchro/Effect
1 Cyberse Tuner + 1+ Cyberse non-Tuner monsters
(This card is always treated as an "Microsoft" and "Windows" card.)
You can only use the 2nd and 3rd effect of this card's name each once per turn.
(1) While this card in face-up Defense Position, "Microsoft" and "Windows" monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated card effects, except effects that target them, also they cannot be Tributed by your opponent.
(2) If this card is Special Summoned: You can banish 1 card on the field.
(3) If your opponent activates an card or effect (Quick Effect): You can banish this face-up card on the field, until the end of this turn; the activated effect becomes "both players can Special Summons 1 Level 7 or lower monster from their hand or GY in face-up Defense Position, but negate their effects", also after that banish that activated card after this effect resolves.

Thanks and credit to @Rongaulius  for the nice art work the original links can be found here https://www.cardmaker.net/forums/topic/421978-another-os-tan/ (Chiivistan) https://www.cardmaker.net/forums/topic/421888-request-os-tans (Nanami Madobe)

@Raikoh130 @Rongaulius @Horu any thoughts on these 2 cards?


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19 hours ago, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Chillvistan the Aero Supremacist
"Any card that leaves your opponent's field is placed on the bottom of their Deck. Cards sent from your opponent's Main Deck to the GY are banished, instead."

Nanami Madobe the Aero Master
"If your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can banish this face-up card on the field, until the end of this turn; the activated effect becomes "both players can Special Summon 1 Level 7 or lower monster from their hand or GY in face-up Defense Position, but negate their effects", also banish that activated card after this effect resolves."

Made a couple of PSCT changes to the effects. 

Cyberse decks would love these beyond belief, and that isn't a good thing. These two easy-to-summon cards give you two non-targeting removals for free.  Chillvistan is a walking one-sided Macro Cosmos, if Macro Cosmos hit the gym and used steroids for a year.  For an almost generic Level 8 Synchro, that's beyond busted. Especially if fielded together with her Water counterpart, in which case both cards become Apoqliphort Towers.  With on-Summon non-targeting, non-destructive removal and effects that allow them to dodge their own demise while recurring themselves to the field at the end of the turn.  Topping that all off, Chillvistan is also a walking Maxx "C".

I understand this is in the "casual" forum.  You've got to realize that in casual play, these cards are even stronger than in competitive play; a top-tier competitive deck would struggle against these, and a typical casual deck probably couldn't out either one.  They're immune to Nibiru, Kaijus, Sphere Mode, Dark Ruler No More, Forbidden Droplet, etc...even Super Polymerization! They do lose to Infinite Impermanence, but if you're going first it doesn't matter since they'll get their effects back for your opponent's turn.  Those are all options a competitive deck will have access to, and they can't out these cards.  In the much lower power ceiling of a casual match, your cards win the game once they hit the field.  Unchained decks might have a chance since they like to target and blow everything up, but since both of your cards can dodge removal quite handily, unless you can OTK once they've tagged out, you're still screwed.

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3 hours ago, Rongaulius said:

Made a couple of PSCT changes to the effects. 

Cyberse decks would love these beyond belief, and that isn't a good thing. These two easy-to-summon cards give you two non-targeting removals for free.  Chillvistan is a walking one-sided Macro Cosmos, if Macro Cosmos hit the gym and used steroids for a year.  For an almost generic Level 8 Synchro, that's beyond busted. Especially if fielded together with her Water counterpart, in which case both cards become Apoqliphort Towers.  With on-Summon non-targeting, non-destructive removal and effects that allow them to dodge their own demise while recurring themselves to the field at the end of the turn.  Topping that all off, Chillvistan is also a walking Maxx "C".

I understand this is in the "casual" forum.  You've got to realize that in casual play, these cards are even stronger than in competitive play; a top-tier competitive deck would struggle against these, and a typical casual deck probably couldn't out either one.  They're immune to Nibiru, Kaijus, Sphere Mode, Dark Ruler No More, Forbidden Droplet, etc...even Super Polymerization! They do lose to Infinite Impermanence, but if you're going first it doesn't matter since they'll get their effects back for your opponent's turn.  Those are all options a competitive deck will have access to, and they can't out these cards.  In the much lower power ceiling of a casual match, your cards win the game once they hit the field.  Unchained decks might have a chance since they like to target and blow everything up, but since both of your cards can dodge removal quite handily, unless you can OTK once they've tagged out, you're still screwed.

Than I will change the Materials to the bad Windows Main Deck Monsters to slow down the rate of these hitting the field or I should maybe do this where Chiivitsan only Extra Nets/Max C if they SS from Main or Extra Deck and I might make it so their 3rd effect makes you wait until the end of the next turn to bring them back I also might make it so they skip your Main Phase 1 how does that sound? Yeah I think I should nerf them I was thinking of expanding the archetype.

3 hours ago, Neo-R. said:

These sychros are cute🙂

Yeah they are they are Windows Operating Systems turned into Anime Girls otherwise known as OS-Tans you can find out more about them here: https://www.ostan-collections.net/wiki/index.php/List_of_OS-tans

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