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Gazelle Archetype but not the illusion kind

Maxi william

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This archetype has an few function that are notable in they're text or not:

1)The monster's will always be treated as the following monster: "Gazelle The King Of Mythical Beast".

2)The archetype is all Fusion monsters.

3)Mostly all cards in this deck either searches themselves or other cards and can special summon themselves back to the field of course they're banished when they leave.

4)They have protection from card effects, battle and targeting (BUT NO BANISHING) and mostly the fusion has these sort of effects.

5)They can buff they're ATK and DEF significantly

6)They can be spamable but if not protected well enough may lead to an board wipe.

7)All monster will probably be Beast Type monsters which (TCBOO) can mess them up.

Current Cards Revealed:4/40



2-Effect Monster

3-Spell Card

Soon: an fusion spell, Fusion monster ,etc.

Gazelle The Banished King.jpeg

Gazelle The First King Of Mythical Beast (1).jpeg

Gazelle The Ravaging Beast (1).jpeg

Gazelle's Embrace.jpeg

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