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generic ritual spell for any ritual monster [Written]


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Ritual version of Polymerization.  Simple yet effective.

The problem with this card - and with Ritual Monsters as a whole, which is ALSO perhaps the reason we don't have a card like this yet - is that Konami doesn't know what to do with Ritual monsters.  They're main-deck fusions...but they're cards you don't want in hand until you're ready to Summon them.  Drytron was a step in the right direction. Before Drytron there was Megalith, which had real potential, but that archetype fell flat because it just didn't do enough.  In my opinion the Megalith route would be superior to Drytron in the long run (Ritual monsters that can also act as Ritual Spells for their own archetype), as far as keeping Ritual monsters their own unique mechanic

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Not that good tbh. With Rituals you need a way to deal with how it minuses your hand. With this card you have to go minus -2 at the minimum just for one endboard piece. So the focus should be on a big engine to make up for this like Drytron. Being generic isn't that good, archetypal ritual spells letting you take advantage of the their niche mechanics to make up for the inherent advantage loss is better. Also being generic barrs you from using preprep for an easy consistent search.

And in terms of rituals that can bring anything out, Meteonis allows you to bring out nearly any ritual monster at a cheaper cost and you can ss from gy too allowing you to reuse benten etc and on top of that you get to use dryton bodies to go into the extra deck and make more pieces, whether endboard or mid combo utility. And the drytron engine + ties to light machines and lv1s allows for consistency searchers and so on. Archetypes <<<<<<<<<

Problem with Rituals is a lot of archetypes are too weak and the mechanic is inherently costly so you need a strong source of advantage + busted af ritual monsters that are worth the chore of bringing them out, Drytron solved this problem initially but it's powercreeped now even if it's still decent.

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