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Red-Eyes original support with original art


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Hey!  New to the forum.  Been drawing custom cards for several years now.  Try to keep them balanced; playing or playing against an overpowered strategy is just plain boring, and playing an underpowered strategy is painful.  Heh. 

Fairly big fan of the Red-Eyes archetype (or anything dragon-related, really), but it's woefully bad as it currently exists.  The deck's only halfway viable strategy is "summon Dragoon and pass".  That's both not that great and boring as heck, mainly because RE Fusion is terribad and summoning only one solitary boss monster isn't usually very effective, even against most casual decks. Borrelsword Dragon is now as cheap as it's ever likely to be, so playing through one negate and then outing Dragoon with Borrelsword isn't exactly a taxing effort for any halfway competent combo strat.

Anywhoozle.  These are some of the Red-Eyes cards I've drawn over the years.

Gilford the Red-Eyes Lightning is designed around two things: pay homage to Joey Wheeler's cards, and give the RE deck some much-needed utility.  He can SS himself during either player's turn, even if you're going second, and can conditionally nuke up to three cards on your opponent's field without targeting them.  He can also just be a free body to make Rank 7 or Fusion plays.  He ALSO can serve as a bulwark to protect yourself from battle damage, and can attack twice.  His ATK power matches the original REBD to help keep him balanced, as well as to highlight the fact that this is a Red-Eyes version of Gilford.

RE Black Meteor Dragon is a hulking behemoth that can, similar to a meteor, destroy everything when it lands.  It also rewards playing an additional Garnet in the deck; if you use Meteor Dragon as one of the Fusion Materials, it becomes immune to most card effects as well as Kaiju-proof.  It's not invincible; Super Poly can take it offline, though since it's Fire and not Dark that's not quite as simple as it might otherwise be.  Beyond that it's just a big beater.

Finally, Realm of the Red-Eyes. The deck has some decent draw power in Red-Eyes Insight, but beyond that...meh.  Realm makes having REBD (or Dark Magician) in hand much more palatable; you can turn the Garnet into potentially a +1 in card advantage.  It also helps circumvent the downsides of Red-Eyes Fusion by allowing you to use good ol' Polymerization the same way as REF, so you aren't stuck with only one monster on the field at the end of your turn.  It's not a one-card combo, but the effects it does have are intended to help un-brick bad draws.

That's what I've got for now.  Love to hear honest feedback and opinions.


Gilford the Red-Eyes Lightning - Card.jpg

Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon - card.jpg

Realm of the Red-Eyes Card.jpg

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Just finished drawing this one. Figure I might as well post my own Red-Eyes cards in one thread...

Retrain of "Baby Dragon" (and Red-Eyes Baby Dragon) that's more competitive in a modern deck.  Proccing an "if-destroyed-by-battle" effect is just too slow for RE Baby Dragon to be any good.  It's not terrible per say, but it can't be used to start the deck's plays unless you summon it out and either wait for it to get nuked or crash it.  Not a great plan.

This card doesn't really have many callbacks to the original Baby Dragon except for the level and stat line.  I was originally going to give it the effect to treat its own name as "Baby Dragon" if used for a Fusion Summon, but...there's no real point for that. Figured making it a Tuner wouldn't hurt, either, though there's yet to be a Red-Eyes synchro monster apart from the Zombies.  Technically Yugi did eventually learn about Synchro Summoning, so it's possible Joey learned about it from him afterwards...

Anyway.  Combo starter for the deck.  It does require your Normal Summon, but it's also a walking Double Summon that removes the need for Tributes. The only good Normal Summon in RE decks is Black Stone of Legend, which is okay-ish at best.

Red-Eyes Black Baby Dragon.jpeg

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At this time I really only draw as a hobby and don't take commissions.  I work full-time and have home and family obligations, and I really don't have the free time to commit to art commissions.  That said, I'm possibly willing to draw some requests if I like the concept and think I'd be able to do it justice.  If you have an idea for a card, send me a PM.

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