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fog cannon, needs alot of work its just an idea atm

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3| Grinder Golem


3| Cloudian - Turbulence

1| Cloudian - Smoke Ball

3| Cloudian - Sheep Cloud

1| Toon Cannon Soldier

3| Cloudian - Ghost Fog


2| Foolish Burial

1| Premature Burial

1| Monster Reborn

3| Summon Cloud

3| Toon Table of Contents

1| Heavy Storm

3| Card Of Safe Return

3| Big Wave Small Wave

3| Lucky Cloud

1| Smashing Ground


2| Call of the Earthbound

3| Solemn Judgment


ok well the idea of this deck is two give Cloudian - Turbulence as many counters as possible then sp summon smoke cloud to then be tributed by toon cannon soldier. anyone who says fog control, plz tell me what to remove for it.

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