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New Blue-Eyes Support


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I only started playing Yugioh again because I loved the Blue-Eyes White dragon as a kid and wanted to see if it still fun to play. The deck is still fun, but it is terrible against the more meta and more popular strategies you see on master duel. Maybe if the deck had better supporting cards/extra deck monsters that you could easily go into, that would help the decks ability to stand more on its own with less help from supporting cards. I made some examples of powerful extra deck cards I think would help boost the playability of the deck, while not being crazy strong in other decks that could make them so generically. If anyone else had more ideas on cards that could help this deck, comment below and maybe Konami might pick up this old deck and breathe new light into it. 

The Blue-Eyes Oracle (1).jpeg

Blue-Eyes Chaos Dark Dragon (1).jpeg

Blue-Eyes Ultimate XYZ Dragon.jpeg

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