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Exosister Rosalina (Written)

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  On 8/9/2023 at 6:10 AM, Yuma Kaiba said:

Exosister Rosalina (LIGHT)


ATK/1800  Link Rating 1 [ ⬇ ]

1 "Exosister" Xyz monster with Xyz Materials
If this card is Link Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Xyz monster in your GY that used for this Link Material to this zone point to, and if you do, attach 1 monster your opponent control to that Xyz monster. Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can shuffle 1 monster from your opponent GY to the bottom of the Deck (this effect treat as opponent moves); Draw 1 card. If this card would be destroyed by battle or by card effect, you can detach 1 Xyz Materials from Xyz Monster you control instead.




Thank You okay fine I'm fine with drawong also does this have to be a quick effect that can be used on both players turns also could you please slap a HOPT on its effects.

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  On 8/18/2023 at 4:50 PM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Thank You okay fine I'm fine with drawong also does this have to be a quick effect that can be used on both players turns also could you please slap a HOPT on its effects.


That's the advantage of this card, very useful to support the "Exosister" archetype.

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  On 8/19/2023 at 2:50 AM, Yuma Kaiba said:

That's the advantage of this card, very useful to support the "Exosister" archetype.


It shouldn't be any generic XYZ monster it should be changed to an Exosister that it summons from the GY also I give a least most of my cards HOPTS I can't SAY THE SAME FOR YOU SINCE YOU DON"T LIKE THOSE!

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  On 8/19/2023 at 4:38 AM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

It shouldn't be any generic XYZ monster it should be changed to an Exosister that it summons from the GY also I give a least most of my cards HOPTS I can't SAY THE SAME FOR YOU SINCE YOU DON"T LIKE THOSE!


If this card is Link Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Xyz monster in your GY that used for this Link Material to this zone point to.

And this material to Link Summon must be 1 "Exosister" Xyz monster. Can you realize that.

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  On 8/19/2023 at 7:00 AM, Yuma Kaiba said:

If this card is Link Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Xyz monster in your GY that used for this Link Material to this zone point to.

And this material to Link Summon must be 1 "Exosister" Xyz monster. Can you realize that.


Fine but can you at leats slap a hard once per turn on this card's effects or at least remove the Quick effect off the draw that is kinda strong to be doing draws on both player's turns.

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  On 8/19/2023 at 7:45 AM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Fine but can you at leats slap a hard once per turn on this card's effects or at least remove the Quick effect off the draw that is kinda strong to be doing draws on both player's turns.


Im not remove a "Quick Effect", but i give 1 condition to trigger the Effect.

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  On 8/19/2023 at 8:13 AM, Yuma Kaiba said:

Im not remove a "Quick Effect", but i give 1 condition to trigger the Effect.


You seem to adamant about this card you never give any of your cards a hard once per turn at least I do you don't also the conadtion should be if your opponnet sends a card from their hand or Deck to the GY by a card effect or when they move a card from the GY instead of it being when a monster is summoned.

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  On 8/20/2023 at 2:09 AM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

You seem to adamant about this card you never give any of your cards a hard once per turn at least I do you don't also the conadtion should be if your opponnet sends a card from their hand or Deck to the GY by a card effect or when they move a card from the GY instead of it being when a monster is summoned.


Its make your opponent think twice to summon a monster, cause if they do, it will trigger the effect. Its look like fun to play.

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  On 8/20/2023 at 3:34 AM, Yuma Kaiba said:

Its make your opponent think twice to summon a monster, cause if they do, it will trigger the effect. Its look like fun to play.


NO! ITS OP I still rated 1 star! Your card should also be a Fucking hard once per turn you throw balance out the fucking window so yeah this card still deserves a 1 star unless you change it to something else this fucking card is staying at 1 star you hate on the HOPTS and you keeping it a Quick Effect should not be allowed so yeah fuck this card >:( I tried to help you but you refuse to add at least a Hard Once Per Turn also there is not true cost on this card that harms your card advantage! Both the Draw and Reborn an XYZ from GY should say you can only use each effect once per turn but you didn't do I told you to slap a HOPT its one of the best ways from stopping a card from being abused.

@Raikoh130 I need you to deal with yuma and his fucking simping for Exosister and explain why HOPTs on cards like this is really important also he still wants the Draw to be a Quick Effect which I don't think it should have.

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  On 8/20/2023 at 4:07 AM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

NO! ITS OP I still rated 1 star! Your card should also be a Fucking hard once per turn you throw balance out the fucking window so yeah this card still deserves a 1 star unless you change it to something else this fucking card is staying at 1 star you hate on the HOPTS and you keeping it a Quick Effect should not be allowed so yeah fuck this card >:( I tried to help you but you refuse to add at least a Hard Once Per Turn also there is not true cost on this card that harms your card advantage! Both the Draw and Reborn an XYZ from GY should say you can only use each effect once per turn but you didn't do I told you to slap a HOPT its one of the best ways from stopping a card from being abused.

@Raikoh130 I need you to deal with yuma and his fucking simping for Exosister and explain why HOPTs on cards like this is really important also he still wants the Draw to be a Quick Effect which I don't think it should have.


What the purpose of each custom card i make for an archetype, is for make it that archetype getting stronger, and can compare with Meta deck. Im appreciate all of your suggest, thank you. If you not like it, its okay, Mr. Perfectionist. Simple.

You say "Im not like this card" in many word. Hehe

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I agree that weaker archetypes deserve a big boost with effects to help them compete, unless the effect itself is overly abused. I'll try explaining why the reason why a HOPT is so important with certain effects and some are fine with either a SOPT or a heavy cost.

Lets take a look at my favorite deck, Gladiator Beasts, since they have 2 different types of powerful Fusion monsters, each having a negate effect, without it being overly busted: Gladiator Beast Domitianus and Gladiator Beast Heraklinos.


These Gladiator Beast Fusions have either a no OPT or a SOPT clause effects on them.

Domitianus only negates 1 monster effect per turn for free and getting two of him out in a single turn to abuse the SOPT is a struggle, whereas Heraklinos has mulitple Spell/Trap Card negates without a SOPT, however, it is a one for one trade-off with discarding. No hand? No negates. On paper, these sound broken but they are balanced support the deck has/needed, and neither can omni-negate alone.

Now lets take a look at a current Link Monster that has no OPT multiple negates with a different cost: Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess.


Yes, you might be thinking "Well, this card doesn't have a HOPT clause on it, what makes my card not having one such a big deal?"

Well, it is because she has a "You can only control 1" clause, which makes it a pain to use her and get another out to use even more negates on the same turn.

This card is powerful, yet it requires lots of different monsters to get out onto the Link Zone, and cannot use tokens to summon her to boot. Any Link Monster(s), excluding Link-1 monsters, that are being used to Link Summon her properly, can act like 2 or more monsters, instead of 1 for that Link Summon.

So using a Link Monster as more than one Material makes her have just 3 or less negates, instead of the normal full 4, and while using up more monsters as Material to do so if you plan to use your Link as a 1 Material instead of more. Sure, you can use 5 or more materials but each needs a different name, making you have less cards on the field for Spell/Trap Card negations.

She has certainly a powerful effect, but with the ATK reduction, she becomes weaker and weaker, plus she doesn't stop any Spell/Trap Cards alone so she's a sitting duck against something, like "Raigeki" for example. Add in the fact that your opponent can use a "Change of Heart"/"Mind Control" on her and use her against you.

Her effect may not have a HOPT, but the summoning requirements, no Spell/Trap Card negation, and the ATK reduction cost calms her down, throw in the fact that the requirements to summon her out, plus her effect cost, warrant enough for her to have such a non-OPT negation effect.

Lastly, lets take a look at a generic Omni-Negate Synchro Monster that is easy to get out and would be insanely busted if it didn't have a HOPT clause on it (even a SOPT would be busted): Borrelord Savage Dragon. 


By having this Omni-Negation effect alone, without a HOPT, this thing can get up to 4 free negates in a single turn (5 is highly unlikely). That would be ridiculously busted, even if it was a Link-2 monster you used to trigger this effect, 2 free negates in a single turn is still too much. Giving it a HOPT was the right call for Konami because it allows it to be an insanely powerful card without it giving the player an super unfair advantage, or else it would be seeing the ban list within the first format it gets released in.

Add in this little old school format story to explain the history of powerful, yet broken, non-OPT negation cards:

During the pre-Xyz formats, there was a super busted Summon negation card called "Royal Oppression". The card allowed both players to keep negating each other's Special Summons by paying 800 Life Points. The cost was so small that the card became dangerous during the Edison Formal era, that it had to be banned, due to the fact that the opening player can spam their field, then flip Oppression and floodgate all their Special Summons for a little cost. Slapping a HOPT clause on it would've fixed that issue, as then you can only do it once per turn to each other, instead of multiple a turn. It'd still be a problem now, but not so much back then, as multiple backrow removal cards were still Main Deck worthy, instead of just in the Side Deck cards.

Back during the 2011-2012 Formats, they made cards like "Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En", a card that did not have a OPT clause on it, allowing you to have up to 3 free Spell/Trap Card negates per turn, not to mention adding in "Naturia Beast" (no OPT Spell Negation) and "Naturia Barkion" (no OPT Trap Negation) to the mix with their pathetic little costs (sending 2 cards from top of your deck to GY (Beast) or banishing 2 cards from your GY (Barkion)), the game was starting to get way too flooded with negates and Chain Link 4 effects.

Six Samurais at that time were a Tier 0 deck for being able to spam those Synchro Monsters easily on the field and negating all of your opponent's consistency and defenses. It was a huge issue, coming from a Six Samurai fan, that you were able to rip your opponent's entire deck apart by having 2-3 Synchros out in the first turn, which was easily done with "Gateway of the Six". That card also did not have a SOPT or HOPT clause on it, and that allowed the field to be spammed by just 2-3 cards, which was a huge issue of balance.

Elemental Heroes were the best deck counter to Six Samurais that format, due to them having the only easy counter to Shi En and Beast, "Super Polymerization", while being a huge issue to other decks, thanks to its Chain Link 4 clause: "Neither player can activate cards or effects in response to this card's activation" effect. Even though Elemental Heroes struggled against the Samurais without that card, they were the best deck against it due to easy use of that card.

Add in the fact that "Solemn Judgment" was limited to 1 at the time for its little cost negate at the time, they decided to add more heavier cost effects on the cards, and hence the Xyz Monsters were born. Also back then, Trap Cards mattered a lot so it was a big deal.

But as Pens and Links started to came about, while Trap Formats were fazing/fazed out, they decided that a HOPT is more of a balanced way to make busted negation cards. Sure, some cards couldn't remain in the game, even with a HOPT, cuz their effects were too unstable or way to easy to get out, but a lot remain because it either has a HOPT, a balanced SOPT, or a heavy cost clause.

As for your quick drawing effect, let me tell you about a little Continuous Spell Card that almost did the same thing and continues to be banned due to having a similar, yet weaker effect:


Card of Safe Return was a balanced card upon release, but as time went on, that card saw more plays as multiple Special Summons a turn became a huge issue of unfair card advantage. This also triggered when your opponent uses "Monster Reborn" on your monster as well. It ended up being banned but if that card had a HOPT clause on it, I think the card would still be around today instead of banned as it would give you a lot less advantage then its original counterpart.

Your monster does it for any monster that is summoned, no matter the turn, and no matter on what type of summon it used (Normal, Special, etc). Yes, there is a SOPT on your card, but you can have multiple copies of this monster on your field at one time to draw up to 3 cards each turn. Talk about having super advantage to stop your opponent from summoning at all.

The card desperately needs a HOPT on it while not being able to also use it during your opponent's turn. That is the fair way to go. Still powerful but doesn't give you a super huge advantage.

In conclusion: This is what @Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan is talking about, @Yuma Kaiba. Konami implemented the HOPT clause to current cards to prevent them from being overly busted at least without banning or limiting them, especially with negates and draw effects that have easy costs.

There were no real OPT effects on negates back then because the formats back then were either the mostly cards that were destruction/control cards, had a heavy cost negation effect to them (like "Gladiator Beast Heraklinos"), or a one for one negation Quick-Play Spell or Normal/Counter Trap Cards. I said Quick-Play cuz of "My Body as a Shield" and Normal cuz of "Starlight Road", which were both situational negation cards, while most of the draw cards were either a Draw 1 Spell Card or had a Heavy Cost.

I love seeing the cards you make but I agree that certain effects need a HOPT to keep it from being overly busted, because realistically, Konami hasn't ever printed a omni-negate monster since then without a HOPT or with a Heavy Cost clause on them, or a more powerful "Card of Safe Return" effect(s).

I apologize for the essay length of this response but I had to go deep into detail.

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  On 8/20/2023 at 10:20 PM, Raikoh130 said:

I agree that weaker archetypes deserve a big boost with effects to help them compete, unless the effect itself is overly abused. I'll try explaining why the reason why a HOPT is so important with certain effects and some are fine with either a SOPT or a heavy cost.

Lets take a look at my favorite deck, Gladiator Beasts, since they have 2 different types of powerful Fusion monsters, each having a negate effect, without it being overly busted: Gladiator Beast Domitianus and Gladiator Beast Heraklinos.


These Gladiator Beast Fusions have either a no OPT or a SOPT clause effects on them.

Domitianus only negates 1 monster effect per turn for free and getting two of him out in a single turn to abuse the SOPT is a struggle, whereas Heraklinos has mulitple Spell/Trap Card negates without a SOPT, however, it is a one for one trade-off with discarding. No hand? No negates. On paper, these sound broken but they are balanced support the deck has/needed, and neither can omni-negate alone.

Now lets take a look at a current Link Monster that has no OPT multiple negates with a different cost: Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess.


Yes, you might be thinking "Well, this card doesn't have a HOPT clause on it, what makes my card not having one such a big deal?"

Well, it is because she has a "You can only control 1" clause, which makes it a pain to use her and get another out to use even more negates on the same turn.

This card is powerful, yet it requires lots of different monsters to get out onto the Link Zone, and cannot use tokens to summon her to boot. Any Link Monster(s), excluding Link-1 monsters, that are being used to Link Summon her properly, can act like 2 or more monsters, instead of 1 for that Link Summon.

So using a Link Monster as more than one Material makes her have just 3 or less negates, instead of the normal full 4, and while using up more monsters as Material to do so if you plan to use your Link as a 1 Material instead of more. Sure, you can use 5 or more materials but each needs a different name, making you have less cards on the field for Spell/Trap Card negations.

She has certainly a powerful effect, but with the ATK reduction, she becomes weaker and weaker, plus she doesn't stop any Spell/Trap Cards alone so she's a sitting duck against something, like "Raigeki" for example. Add in the fact that your opponent can use a Change of Heart/Mind Control on her and use her against you.

Her effect may not have a HOPT, but the summoning requirements, no Spell/Trap Card negation, and the ATK reduction cost calms her down, throw in the fact that the requirements to summon her out, plus her effect cost, warrant enough for her to have such a non-OPT negation effect.

Lastly, lets take a look at a generic Omni-Negate Synchro Monster that is easy to get out and would be insanely busted if it didn't have a HOPT clause on it (even a SOPT would be busted): Borrelord Savage Dragon. 


By having this Omni-Negation effect alone, without a HOPT, this thing can negate up to 4 free negates in a single turn (5 is highly unlikely). That would be ridiculously busted, even if it was a Link-2 monster you used to trigger this effect, 2 free negates in a single turn is still too much. Giving it a HOPT was the right call for Konami because it allows it to be an insanely powerful card without it giving the player an super unfair advantage, or else it would be seeing the ban list within the first format it gets released in.

Add in this little old school format story to explain the history of powerful, yet broken, non-OPT negation cards:

During the pre-Xyz formats, there was a super busted Summon negation card called "Royal Oppression". The card allowed both players to keep negating each other's Special Summons by paying 800 Life Points. The cost was so small that the card became dangerous during the Edison Formal era, that it had to be banned, due to the fact that the opening player can spam their field, then flip Oppression and floodgate all their Special Summons for a little cost. Slapping a HOPT clause on it would've fixed that issue, as then you can only do it once per turn to each other, instead of multiple a turn. It'd still be a problem now, but not so much back then, as multiple backrow removal cards were still Main Deck worthy, instead of just in the Side Deck cards.

Back during the 2011-2012 Formats, they made cards like "Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En", a card that did not have a OPT clause on it, allowing you to have up to 3 free Spell/Trap Card negates per turn, not to mention adding in "Naturia Beast" (no OPT Spell Negation) and "Naturia Barkion" (no OPT Trap Negation) to the mix with their pathetic little costs (sending 2 cards from top of your deck to GY (Beast) or banishing 2 cards from your GY (Barkion)), the game was starting to get way too flooded with negates and Chain Link 4 effects.

Six Samurais at that time were a Tier 0 deck for being able to spam those Synchro Monsters easily on the field and negating all of your opponent's consistency and defenses. It was a huge issue, coming from a Six Samurai fan, that you were able to rip your opponent's entire deck apart by having 2-3 Synchros out in the first turn, which was easily done with "Gateway of the Six". That card also did not have a SOPT or HOPT clause on it, and that allowed the field to be spammed by just 2-3 cards, which was a huge issue of balance.

Elemental Heroes were the best deck counter to Six Samurais that format, due to them having the only easy counter to Shi En and Beast, "Super Polymerization", while being a huge issue to other decks, thanks to its Chain Link 4 clause: "Neither player can activate cards or effects in response to this card's activation" effect. Even though Elemental Heroes struggled against the Samurais without that card, they were the best deck against it due to easy use of that card.

Add in the fact that "Solemn Judgment" was limited to 1 at the time for its little cost negate at the time, they decided to add more heavier cost effects on the cards, and hence the Xyz Monsters were born. Also back then, Trap Cards mattered a lot so it was a big deal.

But as Pens and Links started to came about, while Trap Formats were fazing/fazed out, they decided that a HOPT is more of a balanced way to make busted negation cards. Sure, some cards couldn't remain in the game, even with a HOPT, cuz their effects were too unstable or way to easy to get out, but a lot remain because it either has a HOPT, a balanced SOPT, or a heavy cost clause.

As for your quick drawing effect, let me tell you about a little Continuous Spell Card that almost did the same thing and continues to be banned due to having a similar, yet weaker effect:


Card of Safe Return was a balanced card upon release, but as time went on, that card saw more plays as multiple Special Summons a turn became a huge issue of unfair card advantage. This also triggered when your opponent uses "Monster Reborn" on your monster as well. It ended up being banned but if that card had a HOPT clause on it, I think the card would still be around today instead of banned as it would give you a lot less advantage then its original counterpart.

Your monster does it for any monster that is summoned, no matter the turn, and no matter on what type of summon it used (Normal, Special, etc). Yes, there is a SOPT on your card, but you can have multiple copies of this monster on your field at one time to draw up to 3 cards each turn. Talk about having super advantage to stop your opponent from summoning at all.

The card desperately needs a HOPT on it while not being able to also use it during your opponent's turn. That is the fair way to go. Still powerful but doesn't give you a super huge advantage.

In conclusion: This is what @Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan is talking about, @Yuma Kaiba. Konami implemented the HOPT clause to current cards to prevent them from being overly busted at least without banning or limiting them, especially with negates and draw effects that have easy costs.

There were no real OPT effects on negates back then because the formats back then were either the mostly cards that were destruction/control cards, had a heavy cost negation effect to them (like "Gladiator Beast Heraklinos"), or a one for one negation Quick-Play Spell or Normal/Counter Trap Card I said Quick-Play cuz of "My Body as a Shield" and Normal cuz of "Starlight Road", which were both situational negation cards, while most of the draw cards were either a Draw 1 Spell Card or had a Heavy Cost.

I love seeing the cards you make but I agree that certain effects need a HOPT to keep it from being overly busted, because realistically, Konami hasn't ever printed a omni-negate monster since then without a HOPT or with a Heavy Cost clause on them, or a more powerful "Card of Safe Return" effect(s).

I apologize for the essay length of this response but I had to go deep into detail.


Fine I guess your right. But yeah most modern cards have a HOPT on them this card's draw effect is a soft OPT that can be used on both turns which is still broken cause being able to draw 3 on your opponents turn is like having Maxx "c" HOPTs would kill some cards but not this one I think this one will be weakened by it but alot more balanced it doesn't need to be broken as shit @Yuma Kaiba simps for Exosisters but again Gladiator Beasts need powerful cards to be at least playable in the modern era but I can't make the same excuse for Exosisters cause I simply refuse this card not having a HOPT on that fing draw effect is stupid and broken it either needs cost or needs to become a HOPT or does any one like to know  what happened to Maxx "C".

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  On 8/20/2023 at 10:43 PM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Fine I guess your right he did nefr the card also it also has to be balanced if your going to put it in the Realistic Cards Section. But again fine.


Uh, did you read only the first line and came up with that conclusion? I was explaining throughout about why HOPT on busted effects are needed, lol.

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  On 8/20/2023 at 11:35 PM, Raikoh130 said:

Uh, did you read only the first line and came up with that conclusion? I was explaining throughout about why HOPT on busted effects are needed, lol.


Not really I just think that having a Quick Effect Draw on both players turn on a Link -1 off all things shouldn't be on that card all those other cards you listed take effort and takes alot of set up to do unlike this card which before it was banishing a card from hand or if not it would draw a card on both players turn without a conadtion yes I know weak arcthyeps need a strong card but this card I feel is still too strong. But yeah I read it this card is still too strong Apollusa, Natura Existio, Borraload Savage Dragon, The two Fusions all take alot of hard work to summon they are just some stupid Link -1 which is still unhealthy for the game my views against the Link -1 Exosisters still remains since its still kinda OP on a card that is kkinda cheap to bring out it doesn't matter if it takes 1 Exosister XYZ he is just gonna get it back due to the effect to revive this card is still too strong those cards I get because they are harder to summon also yeah I do see Borrols with 4 counters on them which I'm glad its effect is a HOPT but at the same even if I wanted that card to be a SOPT on the negates players would just make 3 of them and it would be really oppressive.

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  On 8/20/2023 at 11:49 PM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Not really I just think that having a Quick Effect Draw on both players turn on a Link -1 off all things shouldn't be on that card all those other cards you listed take effort and takes alot of set up to do unlike this card which before it was banishing a card from hand or if not it would draw a card on both players turn without a conadtion yes I know weak arcthyeps need a strong card but this card I feel is still too strong. But yeah I read it this card is still too strong Apollusa, Natura Existio, Borraload Savage Dragon, The two Fusions all take alot of hard work to summon they are just some stupid Link -1 which is still unhealthy for the game my views against the Link -1 Exosisters still remains since its still kinda OP on a card that is kkinda cheap to bring out it doesn't matter if it takes 1 Exosister XYZ he is just gonna get it back due to the effect to revive this card is still too strong those cards I get because they are harder to summon also yeah I do see Borrols with 4 counters on them which I'm glad its effect is a HOPT but at the same even if I wanted that card to be a SOPT on the negates players would just make 3 of them and it would be really oppressive.


Exactly, those take more effort to bring out, yet they have the right balance on restrictions. Yuma's monster has too much advantages for such little requirements and restrictions, and I took care of that busted drawing effect in my essay as well. It's Card of Safe Return on steroids, and even CoSR is Forbidden on the ban list. It needs to be taken down a notch.

You bring up a great point that I didn't think of. I agree that both effects should be more settled, with a HOPT, on either a higher Link Monster OR it should be only one effect on that card in general, or make 2 separate Link monsters and put each effect on one and the other on the other, while slapping them both with a HOPT clause.

If Yuma is reading this, we are bringing out constructive criticism. Some cards don't need to have overpowered effects but can give much needed consistency to the deck is more than plenty for a card, unless the archetype is heavily brickable, like Monarchs.

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  On 8/20/2023 at 10:20 PM, Raikoh130 said:

I agree that weaker archetypes deserve a big boost with effects to help them compete, unless the effect itself is overly abused. I'll try explaining why the reason why a HOPT is so important with certain effects and some are fine with either a SOPT or a heavy cost.

Lets take a look at my favorite deck, Gladiator Beasts, since they have 2 different types of powerful Fusion monsters, each having a negate effect, without it being overly busted: Gladiator Beast Domitianus and Gladiator Beast Heraklinos.


These Gladiator Beast Fusions have either a no OPT or a SOPT clause effects on them.

Domitianus only negates 1 monster effect per turn for free and getting two of him out in a single turn to abuse the SOPT is a struggle, whereas Heraklinos has mulitple Spell/Trap Card negates without a SOPT, however, it is a one for one trade-off with discarding. No hand? No negates. On paper, these sound broken but they are balanced support the deck has/needed, and neither can omni-negate alone.

Now lets take a look at a current Link Monster that has no OPT multiple negates with a different cost: Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess.


Yes, you might be thinking "Well, this card doesn't have a HOPT clause on it, what makes my card not having one such a big deal?"

Well, it is because she has a "You can only control 1" clause, which makes it a pain to use her and get another out to use even more negates on the same turn.

This card is powerful, yet it requires lots of different monsters to get out onto the Link Zone, and cannot use tokens to summon her to boot. Any Link Monster(s), excluding Link-1 monsters, that are being used to Link Summon her properly, can act like 2 or more monsters, instead of 1 for that Link Summon.

So using a Link Monster as more than one Material makes her have just 3 or less negates, instead of the normal full 4, and while using up more monsters as Material to do so if you plan to use your Link as a 1 Material instead of more. Sure, you can use 5 or more materials but each needs a different name, making you have less cards on the field for Spell/Trap Card negations.

She has certainly a powerful effect, but with the ATK reduction, she becomes weaker and weaker, plus she doesn't stop any Spell/Trap Cards alone so she's a sitting duck against something, like "Raigeki" for example. Add in the fact that your opponent can use a Change of Heart/Mind Control on her and use her against you.

Her effect may not have a HOPT, but the summoning requirements, no Spell/Trap Card negation, and the ATK reduction cost calms her down, throw in the fact that the requirements to summon her out, plus her effect cost, warrant enough for her to have such a non-OPT negation effect.

Lastly, lets take a look at a generic Omni-Negate Synchro Monster that is easy to get out and would be insanely busted if it didn't have a HOPT clause on it (even a SOPT would be busted): Borrelord Savage Dragon. 


By having this Omni-Negation effect alone, without a HOPT, this thing can negate up to 4 free negates in a single turn (5 is highly unlikely). That would be ridiculously busted, even if it was a Link-2 monster you used to trigger this effect, 2 free negates in a single turn is still too much. Giving it a HOPT was the right call for Konami because it allows it to be an insanely powerful card without it giving the player an super unfair advantage, or else it would be seeing the ban list within the first format it gets released in.

Add in this little old school format story to explain the history of powerful, yet broken, non-OPT negation cards:

During the pre-Xyz formats, there was a super busted Summon negation card called "Royal Oppression". The card allowed both players to keep negating each other's Special Summons by paying 800 Life Points. The cost was so small that the card became dangerous during the Edison Formal era, that it had to be banned, due to the fact that the opening player can spam their field, then flip Oppression and floodgate all their Special Summons for a little cost. Slapping a HOPT clause on it would've fixed that issue, as then you can only do it once per turn to each other, instead of multiple a turn. It'd still be a problem now, but not so much back then, as multiple backrow removal cards were still Main Deck worthy, instead of just in the Side Deck cards.

Back during the 2011-2012 Formats, they made cards like "Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En", a card that did not have a OPT clause on it, allowing you to have up to 3 free Spell/Trap Card negates per turn, not to mention adding in "Naturia Beast" (no OPT Spell Negation) and "Naturia Barkion" (no OPT Trap Negation) to the mix with their pathetic little costs (sending 2 cards from top of your deck to GY (Beast) or banishing 2 cards from your GY (Barkion)), the game was starting to get way too flooded with negates and Chain Link 4 effects.

Six Samurais at that time were a Tier 0 deck for being able to spam those Synchro Monsters easily on the field and negating all of your opponent's consistency and defenses. It was a huge issue, coming from a Six Samurai fan, that you were able to rip your opponent's entire deck apart by having 2-3 Synchros out in the first turn, which was easily done with "Gateway of the Six". That card also did not have a SOPT or HOPT clause on it, and that allowed the field to be spammed by just 2-3 cards, which was a huge issue of balance.

Elemental Heroes were the best deck counter to Six Samurais that format, due to them having the only easy counter to Shi En and Beast, "Super Polymerization", while being a huge issue to other decks, thanks to its Chain Link 4 clause: "Neither player can activate cards or effects in response to this card's activation" effect. Even though Elemental Heroes struggled against the Samurais without that card, they were the best deck against it due to easy use of that card.

Add in the fact that "Solemn Judgment" was limited to 1 at the time for its little cost negate at the time, they decided to add more heavier cost effects on the cards, and hence the Xyz Monsters were born. Also back then, Trap Cards mattered a lot so it was a big deal.

But as Pens and Links started to came about, while Trap Formats were fazing/fazed out, they decided that a HOPT is more of a balanced way to make busted negation cards. Sure, some cards couldn't remain in the game, even with a HOPT, cuz their effects were too unstable or way to easy to get out, but a lot remain because it either has a HOPT, a balanced SOPT, or a heavy cost clause.

As for your quick drawing effect, let me tell you about a little Continuous Spell Card that almost did the same thing and continues to be banned due to having a similar, yet weaker effect:


Card of Safe Return was a balanced card upon release, but as time went on, that card saw more plays as multiple Special Summons a turn became a huge issue of unfair card advantage. This also triggered when your opponent uses "Monster Reborn" on your monster as well. It ended up being banned but if that card had a HOPT clause on it, I think the card would still be around today instead of banned as it would give you a lot less advantage then its original counterpart.

Your monster does it for any monster that is summoned, no matter the turn, and no matter on what type of summon it used (Normal, Special, etc). Yes, there is a SOPT on your card, but you can have multiple copies of this monster on your field at one time to draw up to 3 cards each turn. Talk about having super advantage to stop your opponent from summoning at all.

The card desperately needs a HOPT on it while not being able to also use it during your opponent's turn. That is the fair way to go. Still powerful but doesn't give you a super huge advantage.

In conclusion: This is what @Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan is talking about, @Yuma Kaiba. Konami implemented the HOPT clause to current cards to prevent them from being overly busted at least without banning or limiting them, especially with negates and draw effects that have easy costs.

There were no real OPT effects on negates back then because the formats back then were either the mostly cards that were destruction/control cards, had a heavy cost negation effect to them (like "Gladiator Beast Heraklinos"), or a one for one negation Quick-Play Spell or Normal/Counter Trap Card I said Quick-Play cuz of "My Body as a Shield" and Normal cuz of "Starlight Road", which were both situational negation cards, while most of the draw cards were either a Draw 1 Spell Card or had a Heavy Cost.

I love seeing the cards you make but I agree that certain effects need a HOPT to keep it from being overly busted, because realistically, Konami hasn't ever printed a omni-negate monster since then without a HOPT or with a Heavy Cost clause on them, or a more powerful "Card of Safe Return" effect(s).

I apologize for the essay length of this response but I had to go deep into detail.


Im appreciate your long essay. Haha


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  On 8/21/2023 at 3:17 AM, Yuma Kaiba said:

Im appreciate your long essay. Haha



Did you hear what he said @Yuma Kaiba so nerf the crap out of that card its too easy to bring out as a Link and it needs to be nerfed even more you know what just get rid of the drawing effect all together since that fing card is too easy to summon its a Link -1 @Raikoh130 is right this card is too easy to bring out it repays you more then what it should be doing so you I'm leaving a 1 star review on your card still and I won't change it till you nerf the crap out of that thing and give it a hard once per turn!

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  On 8/21/2023 at 4:03 AM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Did you hear what he said @Yuma Kaiba so nerf the crap out of that card its too easy to bring out as a Link and it needs to be nerfed even more you know what just get rid of the drawing effect all together since that fing card is too easy to summon its a Link -1 @Raikoh130 is right this card is too easy to bring out it repays you more then what it should be doing so you I'm leaving a 1 star review on your card still and I won't change it till you nerf the crap out of that thing and give it a hard once per turn!


Is already getting errata before you post this. Check it before comment.

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  On 8/9/2023 at 6:10 AM, Yuma Kaiba said:

Exosister Rosalina (LIGHT)


ATK/1300  Link Rating 1 [ ⬇ ]

1 "Exosister" Xyz monster with Xyz Materials
If this card is Link Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Xyz monster in your GY that used for this Link Material to this zone point to, and if you do, target 1 monster your opponent control; attach that target to that Xyz monster. During your opponent turn (Quick Effect): You can Target 1 Xyz monsters you control; attach 1 card from your opponent GY to the target as Xyz Materials (this effect treat as opponent moves). If this card would be destroyed by battle or by card effect, you can detach 1 Xyz Materials from Xyz Monster you control instead. You can only used each effect of "Exosister Rosalina" Once per turn.


Okay finally thank you now this card looks alot more Realistic and actually makes sense in the context of the Realistic Cards Section @Yuma Kaiba Thank You so much I don;t think it was that hard to make a powerful card but was also balanced at the same time and oh look you finally added a Hard Once Per Turn Thank You Yuma Kaiba plus it supports the Deck and only does things they need it to do.

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I think you should fix the PSCT of this card

your missing some things @Raikoh130 can even confirm you can't SS a monster from GY as cost also where is the : on its Link Summon effect

1 "Exosister" Xyz Monster with a material
If this card is Link Summoned: You can target 1 "Exosister" Xyz Monster in your GY that used for this card's Link Summon and target 1 monster your opponent control; Special Summon that monster to this zone point to, and if you do, attach that other target to the Special Summoned monster as material. During your opponent's turn (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Xyz Monster you control; attach 1 card from your opponent GY to the target as material (This is treated as the opponent moving a card from the GY). If this card would be destroyed by battle or by card effect, you can detach 1 material from a monster you control you control instead. You can only used each effect of "Exosister Rosalina" once per turn.

just replace your old text with this new text I just fixed up some grammar errors and made its PSCT more up to date by 2022 standards I want you to take a look at Gigantic Spright and refer to that card next time when you make XYZ Support or make an new XYZ Monster I'm not saying use its effects just take a look at how its effects and grammar are spelled PSCT changes sometimes to make sure the card looks as clean as possible and easy to understand.

@Yuma Kaiba Fixed your card text since it was bugging me it didn't follow the right Problem Solving Card Text Protocols it is balanced I just wanted to correct some mistakes. @Raikoh130 Konami made changes to their PSCT in 2022 so mentioning Xyz Material is now considered redundant it makes a card more cluttered just click on this Link to a Yugioh wikipage but yeah read Gigantic Spright you will see no mention of the word Detach an Xyz Material on an Xyz Monster it will instead say this detach 1 material from a monster you control you control cause only Xyz Monsters can detach a material no other cards can do that so yeah just copy and paste my text. https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Gigantic_Spright

Also when you take about Fusions, Synchros, Xyzs, and Links you don't say Xyz monster you type this instead Xyz Monster when referring to a ED Monster the M in Monster as to be a Capital M not an lower case m.

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  On 8/22/2023 at 4:31 AM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

I think you should fix the PSCT of this card

your missing some things @Raikoh130 can even confirm you can't SS a monster from GY as cost also where is the : on its Link Summon effect

1 "Exosister" Xyz Monster with a material
If this card is Link Summoned: You can target 1 "Exosister" Xyz Monster in your GY that used to Link Summon this card and target 1 monster your opponent control; Special Summon that monster to this zone point to, and if you do, attach that other target to the Special Summoned monster as material. During your opponent's turn (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Xyz monster you control; attach 1 card from your opponent GY to the target as material (This is treated as opponent moving a card from the GY). If this card would be destroyed by battle or by card effect, you can detach 1 material from a monster you control you control instead. You can only used each effect of "Exosister Rosalina" once per turn.

just replace your old text with this new text I just fixed up some grammar errors and made its PSCT more up to date by 2022 standards I want you to take a look at Gigantic Spright and refer to that card next time when you make XYZ Support or make an new XYZ Monster I'm not saying use its effects just take a look at how its effects and grammar are spelled PSCT changes sometimes to make sure the card looks as clean as possible and easy to understand.

@Yuma Kaiba Fixed your card text since it was bugging me it didn't follow the right Problem Solving Card Text Protocols it is balanced I just wanted to correct some mistakes. @Raikoh130 Konami made changes to their PSCT in 2022 so mentioning Xyz Material is now considered redundant it makes a card more cluttered just click on this Link to a Yugioh wikipage but yeah read Gigantic Spright you will see no mention of the word Detach an Xyz Material on an Xyz Monster it will instead say this detach 1 material from a monster you control you control cause only Xyz Monsters can detach a material no other cards can do that so yeah just copy and paste my text. https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Gigantic_Spright

Also when you take about Fusions, Synchros, Xyzs, and Links you don't say Xyz monster you type this instead Xyz Monster when referring to a ED Monster the M in Monster as to be a Capital M not an lower case m.


Oh yeah, I knew about that and you are correct on the text changes. They now consider monsters used for any Extra Deck Summoning as Material, instead of Xyz Material. Any effect that says "detach a material" is always referencing an Xyz Monster(s).

Also, yeah, @Yuma Kaibawhen you decide to have a text that triggers a Material to be moved to another location upon the summoning of an Extra Deck Monster, it has to be written as @Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan wrote down on the new text.

You have to either target it OR it has to activate at a later time, like "Fusion Recycling Plant" does for Fusion Materials, which lets you grab a Material you used that turn for a Fusion Summon back to your hand at the End Phase and not upon the Fusion Summon.

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  On 8/22/2023 at 5:20 AM, Raikoh130 said:

Oh yeah, I knew about that and you are correct on the text changes. They now consider monsters used for any Extra Deck Summoning as Material, instead of Xyz Material. Any effect that says "detach a material" is always referencing an Xyz Monster(s).

Also, yeah, @Yuma Kaibawhen you decide to have a text that triggers a Material to be moved to another location upon the summoning of an Extra Deck Monster, it has to be written as @Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan wrote down on the new text.

You have to either target it OR it has to activate at a later time, like "Fusion Recycling Plant" does for Fusion Materials, which lets you grab a Material you used that turn for a Fusion Summon back to your hand at the End Phase and not upon the Fusion Summon.


Oh Thank You @Raikoh130 I appreciate I also already provided the text needed for @Yuma Kaiba above these messages.

Edit: I just fixed the above Text cause I made some errors of my own so sorry but they where only very minor mistakes.

But if you want the Text I put it here down below it has been modifed again to stay sharp clear and clean and non confusing as possible, just use this one down below I kept on making minor tweaks to it to make it sound better and so when you read it. Its better on the eyes.

1 "Exosister" Xyz Monster with a material
If this card is Link Summoned: You can target 1 "Exosister" Xyz Monster in your GY that used for this card's Link Summon and target 1 monster your opponent controls; Special Summon that monster to this zone point to, and if you do, attach that other target to that monster as material. During your opponent's turn (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Xyz Monster you control; attach 1 card from your opponent GY to the target as material (This is treated as the opponent moving a card from the GY). If this card would be destroyed by battle or by card effect, you can detach 1 material from a monster you control instead. You can only used each effect of "Exosister Rosalina" once per turn.

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