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Gorz the Emissary of Darkness: Discussion

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Its broken because it was run in a deck mixed with monarchs and that extra little token Gors makes can be used as tribute for say Mobius the Frost Monarch, along with that his high defense makes it so when you put him into play in defense mode you got a shield for a couple turns to stall with or you can simply beat your opponent up with a 2100/2100 token and Gors.

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Guest Star

Its broken because it was run in a deck mixed with monarchs and that extra little token Gors makes can be used as tribute for say Mobius the Frost Monarch' date=' along with that his high defense makes it so when you put him into play in defense mode you got a shield for a couple turns to stall with or you can simply beat your opponent up with a 2100/2100 token and Gors.



Bad logic is bad.

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:pounding table while lmao:


You people are giving me a serious laugh attack :lol: :lol: :lol:


Apparently none of you seen how the OCG players play. As I am sure you are all aware of this:

America = Beatdown Orientated

Japan = More Control Orientated


In fact a friend of mine knows how they duel since he was born in Japan and wins most of the time with a "Dark Magician/Spellcaster" deck design as we call it the "Elogical Deck".



Americans, heh :)

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Guest Chaos Pudding

The card is broken because it punishes players for doing what they are supposed to do: remove cards from the opponent's side of the field and attack.

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and thats broken how


anyone that gets caught by that needs to play better


Yeah' date=' anyone who would actually destroy their opponent's cards and then attack into an empty field sucks at this game and needs to play better. We should all run Shien's Spy.



:pounding table while lmao:


You people are giving me a serious laugh attack :lol: :lol: :lol:


Apparently none of you seen how the OCG players play. As I am sure you are all aware of this:

America = Beatdown Orientated

Japan = More Control Orientated


In fact a friend of mine knows how they duel since he was born in Japan and wins most of the time with a "Dark Magician/Spellcaster" deck design as we call it the "Elogical Deck".



Americans, heh :)


A lot of the meta differences have to do with the exclusive cards; for example, the OCG never got Allure of Darkness, so Dark Armed Return never got as powerful as it did in the TCG (although Judgment Dragoon came close to reaching such power).


Right..... It's only broken on two accounts:


The amount of possible damage taken.


The fact that You just got a free 2700 ATK.


Otherwise' date=' it's hardly broken.



Pot of Greed is only broken on two accounts:


You get a free card.


You get two free cards.


Otherwise, it's hardly broken.

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I'm saying You have to factor in what Your opponent could summon at that time, or what they have on the field to attack with, You could be taking some varied amount of damage that nobody can be sure about. Seriously, they could be attacking You with a Spirit Reaper and make You discard Gorz, making Him useless.

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I'm saying You have to factor in what Your opponent could summon at that time' date=' or what they have on the field to attack with, You could be taking some varied amount of damage that nobody can be sure about. Seriously, they could be attacking You with a Spirit Reaper and make You discard Gorz, making Him useless.



This is the worst logic I've heard today. Granted, my internet has been down and I haven't seen mattster's posts, but even so...

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This card is okay, but why does it summon a fairy? a light fairy? Second the fact that you cant control cards just to summon it only semi limits its sumonability. Facts are still facts, you can get 2 monsters for just taking an attack. Its a nice card all in all.

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This card is okay' date=' but why does it summon a fairy? a light fairy?


For flavor my bets are on a sort of Yin-Yang deal where a Emissary of hell works together with one of heaven.

This, plus Invicil.

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The orginal name of this card is Gorz - Messanger of Hades


I used this card in my Ancient Giants deck in the game YWC 2008

Terrible broken card.


The Token can be used as a Tribute or as a Suicide bomber; The token attacks the monster with the same ATK and DEF.


Instant ban.






i dont think so check the summonoing conditions and lern2play


Lifepoints matter now?

Special Summoning a 2700 ATK beatstick that brings along a possible even more powerfull beatstick token is balanced?




Also, you still have your hand. Use those cards in your advange. But once again, every card in your deck counts.

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