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My version of a Zombie Deck


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3| Ryu Kokki

2| Destiny Hero - Dasher

1| Il Blud


3| Zombie Master

3| Pyramid Turtle

2| Armageddon Knight

2| Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

1| Elemental Hero Stratos

1| Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

1| Spirit Reaper


3| Zombie World

3| Card of Safe Return

3| Book of Life

2| Destiny Draw

2| Allure of Darkness

2| Creature Swap

1| Heavy Storm

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon


3| Solemn Judgment


Only post helpful fixes!!

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if this is an advanced format deck id suggest taking away a il bud for another ryu kokki

I also like the divine wrath tech in zombie decks but your running solemns so that is ok.

Also take out the dark grepher/ dasher for 2 creature swaps


OK, will do....Wait....oh crap, I forgot 1 monster that can be abused with this deck.......DMoC >_<


Should I add a DMoC? IF yes, say what to take out ^_^

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DMoC is not conventional in a zombie build but is an alternative tech' date=' the reborn cards are not specific for dmoc and i wouldnt reccomend running it.



ok, got any other changes in mind? ^_^


Anyhow, how does the deck look at the moment?

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the deck certainly looks quick what are you running until zombie world is released?


Erm, to be honest, I just made it to use Zombie World, I'll just wait when they add Zombie World to DMU...so, this deck is useless until Zombie World is out in the OCG and TCG xD

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Well, I was thinking on abusing Dark Grephers effect, dis Ryo or Blud, SS him, MAYBE use his effect (if so, dump a Zombie Master and another card), use Book of Life, SS Blud or Ryu (preferably Blud), second summon him, use his effect, SS another Zombie etc. etc.


Should I add Dark Grepher back in and take out something else?

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